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Software Manages Exchange of Large Data Volumes Between 3D, CAD and VR 

Current version of the 3D_Evolution software now also supports JT 10.5 and enables conversion of large amounts of data between the common 3D formats and the latest JT version, company reports.

Current version of the 3D_Evolution software now also supports JT 10.5 and enables conversion of large amounts of data between the common 3D formats and the latest JT version, company reports.

CoreTechnologie’s software update enables detailed CAD models to be simplified. Image courtesy of CoreTechnologie.

The current version of CoreTechnologie's universal converter 3D_Evolution 4.5 supports the latest JT format 10.5. The tool was developed for exchanging large amounts of data between the various 3D, CAD and VR systems and enables detailed CAD models to be simplified. 

Conversion of Large CAD Models 

For data conversion, especially in the automotive, aerospace and plant engineering sectors, it is often necessary to convert assemblies of several gigabytes in size into another system format. This is now possible for the latest JT 10.5 data format. The actual software version 3D_Evolution 4.5 SP1 supports the new STT technology to quickly load a 3D preview of the entire JT model and reload subassemblies in the exact XT format.

This gives the user an overview for selecting and converting the desired perimeters in the shortest possible time, according to CoreTechnologie. 

Useful Extra Functions 

The new version of the software also supports 3D dimension information (PMI) of JT 10.5, where 3D dimensions mark the associated reference geometry, such as holes and tolerance information on the model and allows the user a better overview. 

The 3D_Evolution converter has interfaces to all common systems and formats such as Catia, Creo, Nx, Solidworks, Inventor and STEP as well as to the visualization formats Fbx, Gltf and Obj. Functions for quality analysis and data correction ensure data quality when exchanging data between diverse 3D systems. 

The software's optional Simplifier module automatically creates an outer shell of complex models and reduces data volumes of large assemblies and 
complex models. This enables fast, further processing in 3D systems. By generating the envelope geometry, know-how is protected at the same time. 

The new 3D_Evolution software version is available now. Further information is available here.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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