SmartDraw Software Updates SmartDraw VP

New release of SmartDraw VP updates interface and template collection.

New release of SmartDraw VP updates interface and template collection.

By DE Editors

SmartDraw Software has announced updates to SmartDraw VP. Included among the updates is a redesigned user interface. The new interface is the same design developed by Microsoft for Office 2010.

Another feature includes SmartDraw VP’s redesigned print controls, which eliminate the need to click through dialogue boxes. Now printing options appear next to the visual without obstructing it. The update also offers more than 70 different templates, including a new template for Visual Outlines. The new release also includes a set of new templates for use in visual process management (VPM).

“Having a visual processor on every desktop enables visual communication throughout the organization, which in turn brings increased efficiency, more effective presentations and proposals, and less frequent yet more effective meetings,” said Paul Stannard, CEO of SmartDraw. “The improvements in the new release of SmartDraw VP further extend these benefits by making the program even easier to use for everyone.”

SmartDraw VP helps automate the creation of business visuals including flowcharts, mind maps, project charts, timelines, floor plans, data charts and more. Built-in integration with Microsoft Office and Adobe PDF allows users to create and then share SmartDraw visuals with a single click.

For more information, visit SmartDraw Software.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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