August 1, 2006
By DE Editors
SmartCAM V13.5, says developer SmartCAMcnc(Eugene, OR), has beenimproved with new organizational tools for job and process data. Newcapabilities include Regenerative Toolpath Elements and a Core andCavity Roughing Automation panel. Additionally, V13.5 provides improvedZ-level core/cavity roughing and spiral hole making functionality.
SmartCAM V13.5’s new Regenerative Toolpath Elements capability capturesprocess information used to create a specific toolpath. Data aredeposited in what is called a “toolpath container,” from which you canlater recall this data for process modification and optimization. Youcan use the original manufacturing parameters to create a toolpath, ormodify the parameters for your new requirements. Additionally, themodified toolpath containers can be given a new name and descriptionproviding further documentation of the toolpath process.
A Job Library feature gives you the ability to capture and collecttooling, operation parameters, and speeds/feeds from old or newSmartCAM job files. You can insert stored data into a current job and,when you create an all-new tool for a job, you can immediately store itin the Job Library for future use.
SmartCAM V13.5’s Core and Cavity Roughing Automation panel providesSmartCAM FreeForm Machining users with an interface for Z-level stockremoval on a selected set of surfaces or a solid. It enables users tonow experiment with various cutting parameters to optimize for theirresults using a single roughing panel.
V13.5’s Spiral Hole Making process computes a continuous, smooth spiraltoolpath for straight or tapered through or blind holes. It supportsflat, bull, and ball end mills, and the toolpath includes compensationfor the tool corner radius, the specified finish allowance, and startand end through-hole clearance.
SmartCAM V13.5 also now includes a consolidated hole making processtoolbox that provides access to a variety of commonly used hole makingfunctions Additionally, its Help system has been converted to HTMLformat, which provides better navigation and search capabilities.
SmartCAM V13.5 represents the company’s fifth full release since itre-established SmartCAM development more than two years ago. Formore details on SmartCAM V13.5, click here.
Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.
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