SIGMASOFT 3D Injection Molding Simulation Software Available

Simulation models are integrated into a network automatically with no finishing work required.

Simulation models are integrated into a network automatically with no finishing work required.

By DE Editors

Sigma Plastic Services now offers SIGMASOFT software for 3D injection molding simulation.

Because it employs the Finite Volume Method, SIGMASOFT enables fast and easy integration of all available influencing factors relevant to geometry and process, with minimum interaction required from the software user at any point in time during the process of product development, according to the company.

The simulation model obtained is integrated into a network automatically and with no finishing work required. The generated simulation model is then used to conduct thermal mold analyses, which serve as a basis for component-related mold optimization and minimization of cycle times. In addition, ejector forces during de-molding can be determined and subsequent thermal treatments on the mechanical components of the press (for instance polishing or galvanization) can be analyzed for their effects on stress distribution and dimensional stability.

For more information, visit Sigma Plastic Services.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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