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Siemens Parasolid 26.1 Available

Enhancements include hole filling, sweeping, blending, and model editing.

Enhancements include hole filling, sweeping, blending, and model editing.

By DE Editors

Siemens PLM Software  has released version 26.1 of its Parasolid software. Parasolid is the geometric modeling kernel used in CAD/CAM/CAE/AEC products including Siemens’ own Solid Edge and NX systems. According to the company, the latest release focuses on complex, high-level operations and includes enhancements to help application developers deliver solutions to difficult modeling problems faster.

Parasolid provides high-level functionality that now handles more of the geometric complexities encountered throughout concept-to-manufacture workflows across many engineering disciplines,  the company says. Areas enhanced include Hole Filling and Sweeping,  Blending, and Model Editing. 

V26.1 adds to the surfacing functionality with new creation and editing capabilities that are of particular interest to end-users who import data, which may require repair, from other systems. These include filling holes in a model, guided by reference points to influence the surface shape; generating the swept volume of a spun tool body swept along a path with an arbitrary lock direction; and using non-G1 guide wires when sweeping a profile along a G1 path.

New model editing features include extrusion of bodies with edges parallel to the direction of the sweep direction, avoiding the creation of a non-manifold body; and faces can be deleted from locally-manifold areas of a general body and the underlying geometry healed.

For more information, visit Siemens PLM Software.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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