SensAble Releases New FreeForm Version

Designed to deliver more speed, control and choice for organic 3D design and manufacture.

Designed to deliver more speed, control and choice for organic 3D design and manufacture.

By DE Editors

SensAble Technologies, a provider of touch-enabled 3D modeling applications, dental restoration design and fabrication solutions, and haptic devices, has announced the availability of a new version of its FreeForm 3D modeling system that streamlines digital workflows for both designers and engineers who create complex, organically shaped products.

The FreeForm Version 11 software release is designed to allow product designers with hard-to-manufacture goods to shorten the design and review process and get products to manufacturing more efficiently. In addition to new design functionality, the software includes tools that enable designers to analyze how easily their models can be manufactured. SensAble is showcasing this new FreeForm version at the EuroMold conference in Frankfurt.

“SensAble has introduced new features in FreeForm version 11 that have improved on an already exceptional 3D modeling program,” says Nick Whitmore, digital sculptor specializing in toy design at designworks group, a worldwide design consultancy. “Version 11’s enhanced tools for prepping our models for manufacturing are so fast that we’ve reduced the time involved in fixing undercuts by 75%. We simply design in Freeform, then send digital files directly to the manufacturers for tooling and molding for incredible efficiency.”

Instead of designing digitally by holding a computer mouse, FreeForm users hold a 3D Virtual Touch stylus that provides force feedback – literally pushing back on the users hand so they “feel” the 3D model they are designing and viewing on the computer screen. Using their sense of touch in this way allows designers to work faster and more efficiently, according to the company.

For more information, visit SensAble Technologies.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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