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February 1, 2007
By DE Editors
Now available with 40+ new or improved features, Seemage 4.0 imports the complete digital product definition from any 3D CAD or enterprise application into content creation applications from Seemage Inc.(Newton, MA).
Seemage 4.0 allows users to combine 3D design data with bill of materials (BOM) and metadata from any enterprise system to create a range of product deliverables including marketing, sales, manufacturing, service, and support documentation.
The Seemage 4.0 system is capable of being implemented first as a desktop productivity application and then, using open XML, it can be integrated into ERP, CRM, PLM, and other enterprise systems.
New capabilities include fully-shattered file structures that allow for the concurrent authoring of product deliverables, automatic creation of interactive bill of materials, static and dynamic clash, loading/unloading on demand, and internal part culling.
For full details on what is included in the Seemage 4.0 system, or to download trial versions, go to
Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.
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DE EditorsDE’s editors contribute news and new product announcements to Digital Engineering.
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