ROMER launches DOCS 2.0 tube inspection software

ROMER CimCore's DOCS 2.0 is an upgrade of the company's inspection and reverse-engineering software.

ROMER CimCore's DOCS 2.0 is an upgrade of the company's inspection and reverse-engineering software.

By DE Editors

ROMER CimCore(Wixom, MI) has introduced DOCS 2.0, an upgrade of the company’s tubeinspection software. Designed to revolutionize quality control in thetubing industry, DOCS stands for data overlay camera system and iscompatible with all the portable inspection arms currently manufacturedby ROMER.

DOCS 2.0 and ROMER portable CMM devices combine for a number ofimprovements, including the ability to overlay inspection geometry ontophotos of the part for ease in visualizing the part set-up and context;tube measurement and geometry measurement combined in one program; theability to group multiple tubes in one part file; surface inspectionwith contact or noncontact tube probes; extraction of tube data fromCAD files; and more.

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