Roland Introduces New Subtractive Rapid Prototyping

Desktop system mills nonproprietary materials and popular engineered plastics.

Desktop system mills nonproprietary materials and popular engineered plastics.

By DE Editors

Roland Advanced Solutions Division(ASD; Lake Forest, CA) has introduced the MDX-540 SRP (SubtractiveRapid Prototyping) system. According to the company, the MDX-540 is oneof the fastest and most accurate RP systems on the market.

“Bundled SRP Player software automatically generates tool paths withhigh speed and precision,” says Pedro Gonzalez, Roland ASD applicationengineer. “It also lets engineers review simulated prototypes on theirmonitor before sending them to the MDX-540 for production.”

Powered by a 400W spindle, the MDX-540 mills a wide variety ofnonproprietary materials and popular engineered plastics such as ABS,Delrin, and nylon. Compared to additive RP systems, the desktop deviceproduces functional prototypes that perform better in structural,thermal, and electrical testing. Plus, MDX-540 materials meet a host ofFDA and other government regulations that additive systems cannot.

According to a press release, the MDX-540 can also mill non-ferrousprototypes and molds made of aluminum, brass, and copper. This letsdesign engineers create metal molds for rapid injection molding and EDMelectrodes for production tooling.

SRP Player CAM software automates prototyping and is a wizard-basedprogram that offers uniform 3D scaling, support for 4-axis milling, andsimulation of finished 3D parts. The end result is faster prototypeproduction, tighter dimensional accuracies, and a smooth surface finish.

With an optional rotary axis, when one side is completed, the part isautomatically rotated until all four sides have been milled. This savesengineers time and reduces errors associated with rotating objects byhand. The Roland Automatic Tool Changer (ATC) further reduces the timeand cost associated with product development. From roughing tofinishing, this optional accessory enables the MDX-540 to millprototypes completely unattended. It automatically changes up to fourpreset tools of different sizes. The ATC comes with an air-activated,high-precision spindle. The maximum work volume is 19.68 in. X 15.74in. X 6.10 in.

Price: $19,995. Leasing options are available for all Roland products. For more information, visit

Sources: Press materials received from the company. Additional information gleaned from the company’s website.


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