Research Paper on IntelliCAD Technology

Publisher says e-book is the first in a series of research and white papers on the CAD industry

Publisher says e-book is the first in a series of research and white papers on the CAD industry

By DE Editors

IntelliCAD: The Un-AutoCAD from upFront.reSearch (Abbotsford, BC,Canada) is a new research paper for anyone wishing to understand thecurrent and future impact of the  IntelliCAD Technical Consortium, IntelliCAD software, and the Consortium’s distributedmethod of software development on the CAD industry. The IntelliCAD TechnologyConsortium (Portland, OR) consists of a coalition members that update the source codeand provide a measure of marketing support as well as members who sellthe software on a nonexclusive basis. The common goal is to createsomething that is DWG compatible and thus compatible with AutoCAD, yetnot AutoCAD.

IntelliCAD: The Un-AutoCAD, according to upFrontreSearch, is first in aplanned series of research and white papers focusing on CADtechnologies. Published exclusively in Adobe Acrobat formatas an e-book, this 72-page research paper covers such topics as thestructure of IntelliCAD Technical Consortium, the impact of OpenDWG,and AutoCAD compatibility issues. Details on future IntelliCAD releasesand development directions are also covered.

IntelliCAD: The Un-AutoCAD is $720 with electronic delivery or $745 fordelivery on CD by FedEx. (All prices in US funds.) To learn more aboutthis e-book, read the full table of contents, and order the IntelliCAD:The Un-AutoCAD research paper, click here.

upFront.reSearch is the new research and white paper imprint ofupFront.eZine Publishing, which is well known for its weekly CADe-newsletter, upFront.eZine.

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