Rensas Announces Rensas Synergy Platform

The software combines MCUs and tools to develop IoT applications.

Rensas Electronics, a provider of semiconductor solutions, has revealed the Rensas Synergy Platform. The software is designed to accelerate time to market, total cost of ownership and reduce the number of obstacles engineers face with Internet of Things (IoT) products, the company states.

The Synergy Platform integrates software with a new family of MCUs (microcontroller units) and an ecosystem into a scalable and secure platform. It does not require the purchase of third-party commercial RTOS, communication stacks, user interfaces and associated development tools.

“Engineering teams used to spend valuable development time writing software ranging from low-level peripheral drivers to complex communication and specialty stacks. This resulted in months of engineering resources spent integrating, testing, and maintaining software that didn’t differentiate the end-product in the market,” said Ali Sebt, senior vice president, Renesas Electronics Corporation. “By enabling engineers to start design at the software API (application programming interface) level and enjoy a real-time control system without the need to build any baseline functionality, the Renesas Synergy platform accelerates embedded development, inspires innovation and enables differentiation.”

For more information, visit Rensas.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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