Remcom Updates XGtd Electromagnetic Analysis Software

Includes new functionality for RCS applications.

Includes new functionality for RCS applications.

By DE Editors

Remcom has updated XGtd, its tool for analyzing far zone radiation,  radar cross section (RCS), and EMI/EMC for electrically large platforms. The new version, Release 2.6, includes new functionality for RCS applications including a more accurate hybrid model based on Physical Optics (PO) and the Method of Equivalent Currents (MEC), new output types for far zone RCS and antenna gain field points, ray path visualization to far zone field points, and visualization of edges considered by the calculation to be part of curved surfaces.

The new hybrid model is based on the MEC and PO, resulting in improved accuracy in all scattering directions that can be applied to RCS calculations for perfect electric conductors or dielectric surfaces,  the company says. New far zone outputs include scattering amplitude and excess time of arrival for ray paths. Additionally, electric field magnitude and phase, complex impulse response, and Poynting vector magnitude, which were previously restricted to near zone locations, can now be calculated at a user-specified distance from the transmitter.

Ray paths for far zone antenna gain and RCS calculations can now be displayed in the graphical user interface. Rays will be colored according to strength, allowing users to identify strong scattering features on the project geometry.

Adjacent geometry faces within a specified angle range are now treated as a smooth curved surface during calculations. For far-zone RCS calculations, this impacts which models will be used (physical optics or MEC), and for antenna radiation it designates surfaces where UTD creeping wave calculations may be applied. Visualization of the edges and smooth surfaces will give users a better understanding of how their geometry will be used in the calculations.

For more information, visit Remcom.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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