Remcom Updates XFdtd EM Simulation

Software now includes waveguide ports and reduced computation times.

Software now includes waveguide ports and reduced computation times.

By DE Editors

Remcom has upgraded its XFdtd Release 7 (XF7) with waveguide ports, additional XStream GPU Acceleration coverage,  multi-core meshing, and other performance improvements in simulation creation. The point release updates XFdtd to Release 7.3.

Magnetized Ferrite Materials, Thin Wire Materials and Periodic Boundary Conditions are now accelerated with XStream GPU Acceleration, and meshing performance has been improved by utilizing multiple CPU cores. Simulation times have been reduced, and the static solver has been enhanced to calculate and assign static potentials to uninitialized conductors in the problem space.

The static solver is more accurate when utilizing meshes with variable grid spacing. The new release also includes an active VSWR result for antenna array analysis.

“XF7 has had significant growth in the last year, with many new features being added every few months,” said Scott Langdon, director of Remcom’s EM software tools. “The large collection of additional features has not only benefited specific industries, such as mobile device manufacturers and the MR and biomedical communities, but also the general user population with universally useful upgrades such as new complex geometric modeling features, usability, and speed improvements. All have been in direct response to customers’ needs and requests. These consistent and purposeful improvements are a result of our flexible, responsive approach to product development; we feel this is more beneficial than waiting for larger releases to offer benefits to the market.”

XF7 is available in both Pro and Bio-Pro versions. Both include XStream GPU Acceleration, 32- or 64-bit analysis module, geometric modeler and postprocessor, shared memory multiprocessor (MPM) at eight cores, and a variety of 3D CAD import modules. The Bio-Pro version also includes SAR capability and high fidelity human body meshes.

For more information, visit Remcom.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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