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Remcom Announces New Release of XGtd Electromagnetic Analysis Software

Includes added functionality for speed and complexity.

Includes added functionality for speed and complexity.

By DE Editors

Remcom has announced a new version of XGtd, a tool for far-zone radiation, RCS, and EMI/EMC for electrically large platforms. The new release includes performance enhancements, a new 64-bit version, and the inclusion of an optimized ray engine (ORE). Improvements to graphical displays also eliminate steps in workflow and shorten the time it takes to achieve results, according to the company.

“Remcom is committed to releasing product upgrades that have a significant impact on performance,” says Ryan Ohs, product manager for XGtd. “Beyond enhancing and adding features, our development team strives for a noticeable difference in workflow efficiency and the time it takes to achieve results. This has been one of Remcom’s core values and has become an important criterion for new versions to be released.”

XGtd is a general purpose ray-based electromagnetic analysis tool for assessing the effects of a vehicle or vessel on antenna radiation, estimating radar cross section (RCS), and predicting coupling between antennas. Based on geometric optics and the uniform geometrical theory of diffraction (GTD/UTD), performance and memory requirements are not affected by the physical size of objects, but rather by the number of faceted surfaces used to model them. This makes it suited to applications with higher frequencies or large platforms where the electrical size of a computation may be too large for full physics techniques.

For more information, visit Remcom.

Sources:  Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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