Latest News
July 1, 2006
By DE Editors
ProgeSOFT(Como, Italy) has updated the ProgeCADR DWG Viewer, version 6.1.9 basedon the IntelliCADR 6.1 CAD Engine. The latest update now includesredlining and markup capabilities.
In addition to viewing and plotting AutoCADR-based DWG files, users ofthe progeCAD DWG Viewer can now review, measure, and mark up theirdrawings using new redline and markup tools. According to a companypress release, adding redline review and markup has provided a low-costdesign process method to those responsible for checking drawings; andwithout the requirment of running a full blown CAD system.
The ProgeCAD DWG Viewer includes rendering with materials as well assupport for customization through COM. Menus can also be customizedusing the standard .MNU menu macros.
ProgeSOFT also offers progeCAD 2006 Professional, the AutoCADcompatible CAD software, progeARC 2006, architectural design softwarebased on the ArchT design engine, and progeMEC 2006, for mechanicaldesign tasks.
For more information, visit, or go to to access the site of the North American distributor for ProgeSOFT IntelliCAD software.
Sources: Press materials received from the company. Additional information gleaned from the company’s website.
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