Red Cedar Announces HEEDS MDO 6.0

Solution includes collaborative optimization and reliability analysis functionality.

Solution includes collaborative optimization and reliability analysis functionality.

By DE Editors

Red Cedar Technology has released HEEDS MDO 6.0,  the latest version of its design optimization software.

The new HEEDS Compose module allows users to find better designs in situations where a large system needs optimized, but the part of the modelt hat is changing during optimization is localized to a small area.

Collaborative optimization allows users to inject specific designs to the search process during a parameter optimization study. Using this feature, you can provide design ideas for HEEDS MDO to use during its search. This allows you to combine your domain knowledge and experience with the intelligent search technology in HEEDS MDO.

Reliability analysis allows you to assess the probability of failure of a design when certain features of the design will have some variability. For example, in an assembly of stamped parts, each part will have a variation in its thickness. Even though the parts were designed for a nominal thickness, the actual value of the thickness will vary with some distribution. In this case, it is important to know how many designs will fail to meet the criteria, since there will be variability from design to design.

HEEDS has also added two new optimization methods, Nelder Mead Simplex and Particle Swarm, as well as the LHC sampling technique.

For more information, visit Red Cedar Technology.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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