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October 12, 2012
By DE Editors
Razorleaf, a consulting service provider for engineering and manufacturing tools, announced the latest release of CADFIT. CADFIT is a free utility that organizations using SolidWorks CAD software can use to understand patterns in, and discover problems with, their relational data.
Once the tool is run, a free summary report is generated and provided to customers as feedback on the quality of their data, the company says. Reports indicate missing child file references, duplicate file information, SolidWorks versions, usage of Configurations, and more. A more detailed report with information on each instance of a problem is available for a charge.
According to the company, by quantifying the scale of existing problems in the CAD data, CADFIT can help justify the need for, and use of, better CAD data management processes and tools.
The tool can also be used by customers preparing to load their SolidWorks files into a PDM system. CADFIT allows companies to identify problems with their SolidWorks data before loading it into PDM, maximizing the value of their PDM investment.
CADFIT 3.0 runs without any connections to the Internet and reports are generated locally, without intervention by Razorleaf.
For more information, visit Razlorleaf.
Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.
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