Quickparts Created Custom Stereolithography and Parts for the NASA Lunar Rover

Next-generation Lunar Rover debuted in the Inaugural Parade will be used in moon exploration.

Next-generation Lunar Rover debuted in the Inaugural Parade will be used in moon exploration.

By DE Editors

Quickparts (Atlanta,  GA) worked with NASA by creating custom parts for the Lunar Rover, which was featured in the grand finale at the 56th Presidential Inaugural Parade.

The NASA entry was the next-generation lunar rover planned for future moon explorations. Following swearing-in ceremonies for President Barack Obama and Vice President Joseph Biden, the historic parade traveled down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington on Jan. 20.

Quickparts created custom stereolithography (SLA) and cast urethane parts for the new Lunar Rover. Approximately the size of a pickup truck (with 12 wheels), the small pressurized rover can accommodate two astronauts for up to 14 days with sleeping and sanitary facilities. Completely ruggedized, the rover is designed to require little or no maintenance, and endure travel over rocks and up 40-degree slopes with an expected life span of 10 years of moon exploration on rough surfaces. The U.S. Southwest desert with its extensive lava beds was used for field testing the vehicle.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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