Quickparts Adds New Material Options, 1 in a Series

Online rapid part manufacturer offers two new nylons.

Online rapid part manufacturer offers two new nylons.

By Sara Ferris

Quickparts (Atlanta, GA), an online provider of custom-manufactured metal and plastic parts,  introduced two new materials for SLS (selective laser sintering) and SLA (stereolithography apparatus) rapid prototyping applications.

Flame-retardant nylon (ALM FR-106) is a polyamide blend engineered for the production of parts that require excellent fire retardant characteristics. The durable and tough Nylon 11 offers flexibility and impact resistance while maintaining its mechanical properties.

Durable nylon (Duraform EX) features outstanding toughness and impact resistance. It’s suitable for the manufacturing of electronics enclosures,  manifolds, impellers, and snap-fit designs because of its stiffness, long-term stability, and durability.

“Flame Retardant Nylon and Durable Nylon parts are both great for living hinges and other snap features that have previously been far too fragile in any prototype material to give realistic feedback,” said Michael Maurice, vice-president of operations at Quickparts.

Also available through Quickparts is a new high-impact ABS-like material (DMX) for SLA. It produces accurate parts with high feature detail.

Sources:  Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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