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July 1, 2006
By DE Editors Portland, OR has released an update to progeCAD 2006 Professional, increasingsupported features and compatibility. These improvements includemultiple copy printing and plotting, three times the resolution ofEnhanced Metafiles (EMF), improved hyperlink discovery on objects,enhanced support for True Type fonts, and an improved drawing explorerwith multiple selection options.
Accordingto a press release, progeCAD 2006 Professional also has new redliningand markup capabilities and supports redlining and markup when definedwithin the progeCAD Viewer DWG, allowing reviewed drawings to besubmitted back to designers with the added redline informationavailable within progeCAD. This provides less software expense for theDWG drawing review and editing process.
For more information on progeCAD 2006 Professional and’s other solutions, visit
Sources: Press materials received from the company. Additional information gleaned from the company’s website.
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