Products: May 2005
Hardware, Software, Tools, and Utilities
Latest News
May 1, 2005
By DE Editors
Engine Modeling Features in STAR-CD
CD-adapco(London, UK) says that STAR-CD v3.24, the latest release of its CFD(computational fluid dynamics) code, is packed with new features aimeddirectly at the engine modeling world, including Extended CoherentFlame Model (ECFM) combustion models.
ECFM (ECFM and ECFM-3Z)extends CFD combustion modeling beyond the customary single mixtureregime restriction of traditional combustion models. The ECFM modelsare equally valid whether the charge is “pre-mixed,” “partially mixed,” “non-mixed,” or any combination of these.
Jointly developed by Renault and IFP (Institut Francais duPetrole), the ECFM models are intended to address the specificcombustion challenges posed by direct injection (DI) engines, such astheir high degree of charge stratification. The ECFM models are said tobe valid in all mixture regimes, and equally applicable for GDI enginesusing a spark ignition model and for HCCI and DI diesel engines usingan auto-ignition model.
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Controller Enhances 3D Productivity3Dconnexion (Los Gatos, CA), a Logitech company,announced its new SpacePilot, which, it says, is the first 3D motioncontroller that senses and adapts to the user’s application andworkflow.
SpacePilot, says 3Dconnexion, brings to market technology developedafter extensive research into CAD and animation user workflows. Itprovides single-key access to frequent application commands throughfunction speed keys. These function keys feature LCD-based labelingthat dynamically updates based on a given application and function. Youcan organize these keys into multiple banks, and switching among banksgives you access to an unlimited number of keys. The SpacePilot alsohas keys labeled for common functions across professional 3Dapplications such as keyboard modifiers (Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Esc),standard orthographic views, and the fit function.
SpacePilot uses auto-sensing technology to sense the currentapplication and then set the controller’s navigation and thefunctionality of its keys accordingly. Speed keys adapt to a change inthe application as well as to specific tasks within the application.
For example, in some applications during part modeling mode you haveaccess to one set of functions. As you switch to assembly mode, theSpacePilot will switch to a different set of functions, which aredisplayed on the LCD.
The SpacePilot supports more than 100 analysis, design,manufacturing, and content-creation applications, such as CATIA,ProE/Mechanica, and Unigraphics. It is available immediately through3Dconnexion’s resellers and distributors. For more details, go to the3Dconnexion website.
Free Source LibraryBuilding Block Software, Inc. (Sudbury, MA) hasreleased a free source edition of its CAD/CAM Developer’s Kit series ofC function libraries for developing CAD, CAM, and CNC applications. Thelibraries offer hard-to-develop mathematical “building blocks"necessary for toolpath, boundary offset, area boolean, and otherCAD/CAM calculations.The source code works with any operating system with a C compiler, suchas Windows, Linux, Apple OS X, and Unix. The kit functions may also becalled in Windows from C# via a DLL interface.
According to the company, programmers worldwide have used theCAD/CAM Developer’s Kits for applications ranging from CAM systems toCNC controls to mapping systems to quilt design. The code is said tohave survived thousands of hours of field testing.
The source code license for the kits is free. Since limiteddocumentation is provided, the license requires a purchase of one ormore days of consulting for evaluation, training, and integration. Fordetails, visit the Building Block Software website.
Solid Edge 17 Released
UGS (Plano, TX) haslaunched Solid Edge Version 17. Major enhancements include a new DirectEditing capability and massive assembly support functionality. V17 alsoexpands on the company’s “Evolve to 3D” approach, making the migrationfrom 2D to 3D smoother and easier for holdouts.
Direct Editingallows the editing of native complex parametric models “after the fact"without the need to retrace steps in the history tree. It also allowsthe editing of imported 3D geometry from any source, without the needto import features and parameters. With Direct Editing, Solid Edgeoffers greater interoperability with the company’s NX software, and ithelps users to either co-exist with, or migrate from, competitivesystems such as Pro/Engineer, Autodesk Inventor, or SolidWorks.
SolidEdge’s new assembly support capability allows engineers to work onlarge volumes of data, which, in turn, enables them to create completedigital mockups of their largest assemblies. It adds a new simplifiedassembly capability that uses a proprietary algorithm to automaticallydetermine which external faces need to be displayed to give an accuraterepresentation of an assembly. And new “structure-only"navigation capability lets all engineers use the top-level assemblyfile as their main point of entry and specifically choose when theywant to select the detail of a part or entire subassembly.
SolidEdge 17 delivers new capabilities to optimize the design of complexproducts in a hybrid 2D/3D environment; enhances the V16 “Zero D"capability that allows the definition of product structure beforecommitting geometry to paper; introduces a new CATIA V4 Translator; anew batch Inventor migration tool; and a third-party ME10 translatorfrom Voyager Partner PROCIM. For complete details go to the UGS website.
Build Libraries of Your Best PracticesEASA (Enterprise Accessible Software Applications) from EASA Software and Services(Pittsburgh, PA) is both a methodology and a toolkit for buildingapplications libraries of your in-house expertise and making themaccessible across your enterprise. EASA enables engineering andmanufacturing organizations to quickly create vertical applicationsthat drive their existing complex software, such as CFD, FEA, processsimulation, or homebrewed codes.
EASA provides a Web-based environment to drive complex applications,and minimize deployment hassles. Its tools allow engineers to capturetheir experience and knowledge as they apply complex software. Forexample, once your ANSYS expert sets up an intricate analysis, EASAbuilds an application that nonexperts can use to run complex analyses.
The net result is that EASA ups productivity because the expert isfreed to do other more demanding analyses and your company’s softwareinvestments are more thoroughly maximized.
EASA runs on Windows 2000, NT, XP, or Linux servers. Click here to ee DE‘s November 2004 Web Exclusive “Automate Your Analysis” for more on EASA. To go to the EASA website, click here.
Power CatiaToMax for 3ds Max and VIZ Eases Once Arduous Data ConversionPower CatiaToMax for 3ds Max/VIZ improves design visualizationworkflow efficiency by importing native CATIA V4/V5 models directlyinto the advanced 3D modeling and rendering environments of Discreet’s3ds Max and Autodesk’s VIZ without intermediate formats and withoutlosing precision. It means you no longer have to spend days translatinghigh-quality surface models into imprecise polygonal models, just tospend a few more days struggling to generate high-quality renderings.Developed jointly by the nPower Software(San Diego, CA) division of IntegrityWare and Datakit, Power CatiaToMaxuses a precise NURBS-based boundary representation object for accuratemodeling. Thus, instead of importing imprecise polygonalapproximations, it uses precise representations to generate smooth,crack-free renderings without polygonal artifacts.
It handles the large data sets typical of MCAD models, and offersdetailed control over tessellation quality, including control over thelevel of detail, the maximum edge length, arc length, and so forth.Power CatiaToMax performs dynamic tessellation at render time togenerate a render mesh with the appropriate level of detail based onthe size of the object in the view. There are automatic and manualsewing tools, tools to quickly orient surfaces, trim and un-trimsurfaces, and snap to imported objects. Further, the tessellationengine can leverage multiple processors, resulting in performanceimprovements of about 2X for dual processors, and about 4X for quadprocessors.
Price: $2,995. It can be purchased through the nPower website, where you can also arrange for a free 30-day evaluation version.
Geometric Software Solutions (Bombay, India) and CoCreate Software(Fort Collins, CO) have released eDrawings Professional for OneSpaceDesigner. The announcement marks the first of a series to be releasedas a result of Geometric signing an agreement with CoCreate wherebyeDrawings, a SolidWorks (Concord, MA) product, lays the foundation for lightweight viewing of CAD designs across all CoCreate products.
With this agreement, designers can now save CoCreate designs in theeDrawings format. With lightweight viewing formats like eDrawings, 3DCAD design data can reach beyond the engineering team to manufacturing,procurement, marketing, suppliers, and customers. It makes it easy toshare 2D and 3D designs and eDrawings files are compact and easy toe-mail.
Typically, an eDrawings file is more than 90% smaller than its CADcounterpart. But unlike other formats such as PDF and TIFF, eDrawingsare interactive.
eDrawings Professional is now available with version 13.01 of thecompany’s OneSpace Designer. Currently eDrawings supports AutoCAD,CATIA V5, UG 17, 18, and NX, Autodesk Inventor Series, Pro/Engineer,Pro/Engineer Wildfire, and SolidWorks. For more details, click here.
Conceptual Product Development, Inc. (West Caldwell, NJ) has published Doctor Walt’s KeyCreator 4 Workbook.Author of the well-known series of Doctor Walt’s books on MCAD, rapidprototyping, and desktop publishing, Walt Silva once again uses hisproven approach to MCAD instruction to introduce both veteran CADKeyusers and novices to the newest KeyCreator release. Hundreds ofillustrations and easy-read text greatly simplify the learning task.
With KeyCreator 4, KubotekUSA(Marlborough, MA) has continued the evolution of the venerable CADKeymechanical design package, according to Silva, president ofConceptual Product Development.
Doctor Walt’s KeyCreator 4 Workbook is the first of a series of new training materials for KeyCreator 4. For more information, click here.
Price: $69.95; 428 pages.
The Omega(Stamford, CT) OM-CP-QUADSTATE is a four-channel, battery-powered,stand-alone state recorder. The all-in-one compact, portable recorderis part of the company’s NOMAD family of devices and measures andrecords up to 52,428 state changes. It senses input transitions orcontact closures from external sources such as transducers and stateinitiators and records the time and input state of the device when atransition occurs. Features include an interface to contact closures orTTL signals up to 30V, real-time operation, programmable start time,programmable engineering units, and memory wrap around.
The storage medium is nonvolatile solid state memory, providingmaximum data security even if the battery becomes discharged. Thedevice can be started and stopped directly from your computer, and itssmall size allows it to fit almost anywhere. Data retrieval is quickand easy; simply plug it into an available COM port and software doesthe rest. The software converts your PC into a real-time strip-chartrecorder. Data can be printed in graphical or tabular format and can beexported to a text or Microsoft Excel file.
Price: $599. For more information, click here.
ICS Triplex ISaGRAF, Inc.(Montreal, Que.), a provider of automation software for creatinghigh-end, real-time open control systems, has released ISaGRAF version4.5. This latest version of the ISaGRAF IEC1131-3 compliant technologyoffers numerous enhancements, including multi-collaboration, XMLsupport, workbench support for all version 4 targets, version sourcecontrol, faster compilation speed, new short-keys and pop-up commands,array index outbound checking, and printing enhancements. For details,click here.
Reference Saves TimeThe Partcard Technical Reference Center developed by Partcard Software(Milwaukee, WI) puts reference materials used by design professionalsat their fingertips, saving an average 30-60 minutes per day amongcurrent users. It eliminates those hard-to-read quick-reference cards.
Partcard’s latest version works in most any technical environmentand is compatible with most engineering software. The tool comescomplete with pre-loaded data sets and takes minutes to install and use.
Partcard was founded in 2001 by engineers looking for a better wayto access and use design specification data needed by designers everyday. For more information, click here.
PowerINSPECT 4.0 Easier, More Intuitive for Saving Valuable TimeROMER CimCore(Farmington Hills, MI) has announced the launch of PowerINSPECT 4.0,the company’s inspection software for portable CMMs (coordinatemeasuring machines). Version 4.0 features a completely new userinterface, allowing a user to conduct all operations in a rendered(shaded) view for easy visualization. The interface features updatedtoolbars with a clean architecture, new intuitive icons, and an easilycustomized design.
Also included is a powerful new HTML reporting feature (whileretaining its prior Excel reporting capability) customizable to theexact requirements of the user or customer. The release also has a newthree-tier password protection capability, designed to control accessand modification to highly sensitive inspection routines. A user canrestrict access to running a routine, modifying a routine, or both.
PowerINSPECT is a Windows-based software for real-time inspectionand reverse engineering of complex 3D parts and CAD-to-part comparison.It provides on-screen feedback and color-coded graphics for immediatevalidation of each point and complex 3D shapes (lines, curves, circles,cones, cylinders, part edges, etc.) are automatically compared to CADnominals. The software generates easy-to-read reports and is atime-compression tool designed to remove the traditional inspectionbottlenecks, saving valuable manufacturing time. For more information,click here.
Actify Inc. (SanFrancisco, CA) made digital design communication across the enterpriseand supply chain easier when it released Actify Publisher 2005, anautomatic batch publishing application that converts native MCAD filesinto the .3D file format.
Publisher 2005 lets you define andmanage all aspects of the digital design publishing process, includingwhich source MCAD files to automatically publish, where to post thenewly published files, and who to notify of the completed process. Whencombined with SpinFire Professional, SpinFire Reader, and ActifyServer, Actify Publisher enables secure distribution of multiple 2D and3D MCAD file formats throughout enterprises and supply chains, withoutrequiring all users to have access to native MCAD systems.
Onceyou automate the Actify Publisher process, you have created an accurateand repeatable process. The automated process guarantees publication ofall files, and ensures the timeliness of conversions. All this, inturn, lowers your MCAD data management costs and eliminates time spentmanually publishing files one by one.
According to Actify, another benefit of Actify Publisher 2005 isthe software’s ability to centralize all importers to one computer,which reduces software and maintenance costs from many computer usersto a single system.
Actify Publisher 2005 integrates within your current standardnetwork file systems and within current network share permissions. Nonew setup is necessary. For details, click here.
Industrial Flat-Panel Monitor with VGA/DVID/Video/S-Video Inputs NEMA4/IP65-CompliantThrough its Industrial Automation Group, Advantech Corp.(Cincinnati, OH), has built the FPM-3170, a 17-inch color SXGA TFT LCDflat-panel monitor designed for industrial human machine interface(HMI) applications. The FPM-3170’s on-screen display function letsusers adjust the images on screen with ease.
Resolutions up to 1280 x 1024 are supported, and multiscan functionsupports SXGA, XGA, VGA, and VGA text mode settings. Luminance is highat 250 cd/m2, and it has auto-recognition of input signals from VGA,DVI-D, Video, and S-Video. The FPM-3170 supports panel, wall,rack-mount, or VESA arm mounting, and comes in touch-screen andkeyboard models.
The FPM-3170’s chassis is stainless steel; the front panel is madeof aluminum. Because the exposed panel (front) is protected againstdust and protected against low-pressure jets of water from alldirections (NEMA4/IP65), the FPM-3170 is suitable for harsh commercialand industrial environments. The keyboard version has a tempered glassfront protection panel, adding to its ruggedness.
For more information, click here.
Real-Time Ring SwitchThe ET-5RS EtherTRAK Real-time Ring switch is an industrial strength Ethernet switch from SIXNET(Clifton Park, NY). The switch provides all of the capabilities neededto keep networks up and running, through features like trafficprioritization and real-time fault-tolerant rings. Therefore, networkutilization is improved, delivery of real-time data is assured, andpriority assignments can be set by the user.
Real-time Ring switches are self-configurable and run without theconfiguration steps required by other alternatives. They provide arecovery time of less than 30ms plus 5ms per hop and allow more than 50switches to be connected in a ring.
SIXNET switches offer reliability and long-term support with morethan 1,000,000 hours mean time between failures, a 20-year support andservice policy, and free field-installable upgrades. In addition, theproduct is UL, CSA, and CE certified, has marine and hazardous ratings,MIL-STD-1275 surge protection, and a -40°C to 85°C operation temperature range.
There are several Real-time Ring models available for differentneeds. The switches can be ordered preconfigured for true plug-and-playoperation or field-configured. For additional information, click here.
Simple EDM System AffordableGCS Scandinavia(Hagersten, Sweden) has launched Conisio V 6, an engineering documentmanagement system entirely integrated within Windows Explorer. Conisiosupports any application running under Windows including MCAD andMicrosoft Office programs. Users run all functions with Conisio throughWindows Explorer or one of its other integrations. As a result, Conisiohas no proprietary interface to learn, making it easy to implement PDMand related PLM initiatives.
Conisio quickly displays product-related data from selected filesdirectly to the user’s desktop and includes a document view capabilityto display more than 280 file formats. In this way, users can view,manipulate, comment on, and use information from these applicationswithout training or even having the actual software running orinstalled on their computer.
Conisio also manages and displays associated metadata such asversion or revision levels, document history, and hierarchicalrelationships between components, drawings, and 3D models. A ConisioBOM Manager running inside SolidWorks automatically generatesbill-of-material data and can export the listing in formats compatiblewith most ERP systems.
Documents are stored in a file vault and metadata in an SQLdatabase. Files are retrieved from and stored in the vault though asecure check-in/check-out system that controls versions and revisionswhile preventing more than one person at a time from modifying aparticular file. For more information, visit click here.
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DE EditorsDE’s editors contribute news and new product announcements to Digital Engineering.
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