Products: February 2005
New Hardware, Software, Tools, and Utilities
Latest News
January 1, 2005
By DE Editors
ANSYS, Inc. (Canonsburg, PA; has added speed, automation, flexibility, and mesh quality to CFX-TurboGrid2.2. CFX-TurboGrid 2.2 creates meshes specifically for computational fluid dynamics(CFD) analysis of bladed rows for a wide range of axial and radial turbomachinerycomponents.
Version 2.2 combines both the sector-specific knowledge of CFD simulationfor rotating machinery from ANSYS CFX and mesh generation technology from ANSYSICEM CFD.CFX-TurboGrid 2.2 automatically generates the meshes by determining appropriateparameter settings based on prescribed heuristics that account for the geometrywith little or no user input. Meshes use hexahedral elements only, and importantgeometric areas such as the tip gap can beincluded. Both interactive responsetime and speed of mesh generation has been improved. CFX-TurboGrid 2.2 uses newinteractive features to refine the mesh, so that changes to the mesh are displayedinteractively. Turnaround time for full 3D mesh generation can take 10 secondsfor one million node meshes on a typical modern desktop PC, according to the company.For further information, go to
| CFX-TurboGrid 2.2 from ANSYS received the most votes on our November 2004 websiteballot. Go to the bottom of this page to vote for your favorite product from this month’sProducts and Briefings sections. |
Extend Simulink Power and Cut Reliance on Costly Prototypes
The MathWorks (Natick, MA; has introduced SimDriveline, a new tool for modeling and simulating the mechanicsof automotive and aerospace driveline and drivetrain systems. It includes toolsfor modeling transmissions, gears, clutches, and rotating shafts within the Simulinkenvironment so designers can explore more extensive design options.
By supporting Simulink’s linearization and code-generation capabilities, SimDrivelinemodels assist in controller design and testing in real time, reducing relianceon costly prototypes. The software provides a modeling environment and is an efficientalternative to 3D mechanical simulators because it focuses exclusively on rotatingmachinery mechanics, providing a simpler user interface and faster simulation.
Libraries of components, standard transmission templates, and simple engine andtire models are included. SimDriveline is available for Windows, Unix/Linux, andMacintosh platforms. Price: $3,000 to start. For more information, visit
Visual Numerics Inc. (VNI; San Ramon, CA; has released JMSL Numerical Library Version 3.0, which, the company says, isthe only comprehensive, 100% Java-based numerical analysis application developmentpackage available. JMSL Library 3.0 offers a collection of mathematical, statistical,financial, and charting classes that combine to provide a scalable framework forcustom analytical applications of complex data, such as data mining and predictiveanalysis.
JMSL Library 3.0 is said to be ideal for such analytics applications as riskmanagement, manufacturing yield analysis, and process control. It fuses integratedcharting capabilities with the mathematical and statistical functionality foundin VNI’s widely deployed IMSL Numerical Library algorithms. JMSL 3.0’s chartingtools have been enhanced with a new heat map chart type that can display 2D arraysof color values.
Neural network engines for advanced forecasting and data mining are key new technologiesin JMSL Library 3.0. Neural networking mimics human problem-solving processesby applying knowledge gained from historical data to new situations. JMSL programmers,in turn, leverage this technology to build predictive models that increase inaccuracy as more and more information is obtained. For example, companies canextract information such as historical cost data and apply this data to the neuralnetwork to forecast their future costs with greater precision.
JMSL Library 3.0 also has new algorithms for easy pre- and postprocessing ofdata. Its set of linear regression and nonlinear regression algorithms has beenenhanced with additional algorithms for producing predictive model. Hierarchicalcluster analysis for classifying and analyzing data is also new to version 3.0.
Price: for $3,495 (one floating seat). For more information, please visit
IOtech (Cleveland, OH; ) has developed the new Ethernet-based DaqLab/2000 Series of instruments forlow-cost, high-speed data acquisition in bench-top applications. The DaqLab is1,000 times faster than most scanning digital multimeters, and is capable of expansionto hundreds of channels.
Built into the DaqLab is a 16-bit 200kHz A/D converter coupled with an Ethernetengine that allows acquired data to stream continuously into a PC. Signal I/Ois on the front panel via removable screw-terminal connectors, and includes 8voltage inputs, 4 frequency inputs, 4 waveform-capable analog outputs, 2 timeroutputs, and 6 digital I/O. Expansion channels can be added to the DaqLab viaDBK boards that install into the two built-in slots.
Acquired data flows into the PC in real time, eliminating the need for localdata storage or expensive memory options. The most common configuration for aDaqLab is directly attached to a PC-via a point-to-point Ethernet link withoutloss of data. The DaqLab can also be attached to an enterprise-wide network, canbe accessed wirelessly using any commercially available Ethernet-to-wireless converter,or can be accessed via the Internet.
DaqView software is included. No programming is required. Also included is comprehensivesupport for a wide variety of application development environments, includingLabVIEW, DASYLab, MATLAB, ActiveX/COM, and subroutine support for Visual Basicand C++.
Price: $1,699 to start. For more information, visit
Two-wire Transmitter for Remote Applications
The CDTX-300 pH and Conductivity Transmitter from Omega (Stamford, CT; is a two-wire transmitter with isolated output ideal for process control. Itis particularly useful in industrial conditions where electrical interferenceis an important factor. By galvanically isolating the signals, interference isprevented from reaching the transmitter.
The CDTX-300 uses two wires to reduce costs and eliminate the need for coaxialcable. It works well in remote applications that lack AC power and uses top-of-the-line,four-ring potentiometric probes for high accuracy and repeatability. When measuringliquids with high conductivity, the two-ring system is susceptible to polarization.The four-ring system creates two current electrodes and two voltage electrodes.When placed in a conductive liquid, the two current electrodes take the alternatingvoltage and create a current. This alternating current produces a buffer field,eliminating polarization. The voltage is then measured in this field to preventaltered readings.
Price: $300 (to start). For more information, go to
Advanced Microcomputer Systems, Inc. (Pompano Beach, FL; is currently shipping an update of its Circuit Creator Electronic CAD software.Compatible with Windows XP/NT/2000/ME/9x, the software, developed for small businessesand independent designers, includes Printed Circuit Board Layout Editor, Schematicdesign and capture software, and built-in symbol editor.
The Circuit Creator system includes Logic Creator Schematic Design and Capturesoftware, which provides facilities for full hierarchical schematic creation,and editing, while providing online, on-demand context-sensitive help.
Users can design up to “E” size schematics in a single file, with additionalsheets linked using hierarchical designs. A module called Board Creator can interactivelyand automatically check for errors and design rules while editing. It allows interactivecomponent placement, support for blind and buried vias, as well as automatic footprintmirroring for surface mount device support.
Additional features include a user-expandable symbol library of more than 25,000components; object-oriented parts and symbols with DeMorgan equivalents; symbolsare vector based allowing more flexibility; true bezier curves instead of curvedlines; copper pouring; support for 32-in. by 32-in. large board sizes; and more.Price: $195 (to start). A fully working demo can be downloaded at
NanoForm 15120, a composite stereolithography material incorporating non-crystallinenano-particle technology for enhanced performance, has undergone nearly a yearof successful beta testing by a variety of industries and service bureaus andis now commercially available from DSM Somos (New Castle, DE;
The material is said to have exceptionally high stiffness and heat resistancewith heat deflection temperatures of more than 5008F (2658C) having been reported.The composite properties contribute to dimensional stability, low shrink, andlow coefficient of thermal linear expansion. It does not require mixing or anyspecial handling, and has been successfully implemented by medical, automotive,and aerospace companies during Beta testing.
For more information, visit
EdgeCAM 9, the latest version of Pathtrace’s (Southfield, MI; program for automating the process of NC programming for metal cutting machinetools, introduces EdgeCAM Solid Machinist for CATIA V5 and Solid Machinist forACIS. These modules allow users to load native part and assembly files, and use.sat and .sab files for the respective programs.
Solid Machinist is a seamlessly integrated CAM system offering true associativityto the native CAD model, using the intelligence contained within the model toreduce programming time and eliminate the risk of errors. Full toolpath-to-modelassociativity means that late design changes can be easily incorporated.
No matter how complex the part, automatic feature recognition will find and extractthe information for holes, contour pockets, and boss features with a mouse click.Users can also find single or nested pockets. This data is used with EdgeCAM ToolSelector to select the optimal tools for machining. Details at
Math Engine Expands ExcelUniversal Technical Systems Inc. (UTS; Rockford, IL; is offering a free Packager and Player tool that lets TK Solver 5.0 PremiumEdition users dynamically link mathematical models to an Excel spreadsheet andpackage the file to send off to others.
The Packager automatically converts files into a mini-application (.exe, .zip,.tkx) that can be shared with anyone without special programming. The Player isa collaborative math engine that can be downloaded from the UTS website free ofcharge. It runs behind the scenes, enabling Excel users to take advantage of TKSolver functionality from the Excel interface.
Package recipients can interact with the model by changing inputs and viewingthe outputs as well as performing automatic unit conversions and iterative calculations.Although totally interactive, your original formulas and models remain protected,and the recipient is not able to view or modify them. For more information,
Art to Part RedefinedCNC Software (Tolland, CT; has added new meaning to the expression “from art to part” with its releaseof Mastercam Art, an add-on application that brings artistic relief design andcutting to Mastercam Mill and Mastercam Router Version 9 CAD/CAM software. Itsolves many problems typically encountered when creating machinable art.
Mastercam Art lets you work with 2D sketches, clip art, photos, and MCAD fileson-screen and then cut them with specialized toolpaths. Input ranging from scannedpencil drawings to fully realized MCAD models can be “sculpted” on-screen in 3D.During this process, Mastercam Art’s Relief Manager helps you track the projectstep by step, and you can adjust, reorder, or edit each element instantly. Whendone, Mastercam Art provides a variety of single-click techniques to ensure thepart comes off the machine exactly as imagined.
Mastercam Art enables you to customize parts with logos, artwork, and other shapesin minutes, according to the company. For complete details, go to
Greater Productivity Through Improved Routing AutomationZuken (Westford, MA;, the customized engineering solutions vendor, has upgraded VISULA, its enterprise-wideprinted circuit board (PCB) design suite. In addition to ease-of-use enhancements,the updated tool suite, VISULA 7.0, now features an embedded Place and Route Editor,P.R.Editor XR, and the Hot-Stage virtual prototyping tool. The Place and RouteEditor delivers improved routing functionality for faster completion of denseand complex PCBs while the Hot-Stage tool facilitates a constraints-driven designprocess where potential signal integrity, EMC, and manufacturing problems canbe identified and corrected early in the design flow.
Ease of use improvements in the new version include damage repair, additionalINI file settings for the layout editor, and switchable toolbars with on-screentool help. There is also improved Windows font support. The library tools arenow easier to use due to support for Windows XP as a database server and improvementsin search functionality. The Design Technology Editor now features pad copy enhancementand automatic removal of legacy analysis data. These improvements make designmore productive, particularly for infrequent users.
P.R.Editor XR 1.4 introduces Activ-45, and automated 45-degree routing function,to the VISULA tool suite, while Hot-Stage is a high-speed, constraints-drivenvirtual prototyping tool that facilitates what-if analysis of design changes atthe schematic stage. It ensures that design constraints can be maintained throughoutthe workflow. For more information, visit
New Functionality Added to 3D PrintersIn response to user requests, 3D Systems Corp. (Valencia, CA; has announced the release of advanced user controls, added functionality, andfeature enhancements for its InVision HR 3D printing system. Enhancements includethe ability to accept the SLC (stereolithography contour) file format and broaderCAD compatibility, enabling customers to integrate third-party software.
The InVision HR, available since July 2004, offers high-resolution capabilitythat enables the production of fine-feature, highly detailed parts. Compared tothe more commonly used STL (stereolithography) file format, the SLC file formattransfers highly detailed geometry in a more compact data form by cutting 2D contoursof 3D data, which results in fewer data translations between the part’s originalgeometry and the data sent to the InVision HR.
The InVision also features a foundation to embed a Print Preview tool into complementarysoftware, such as an MCAD system. This functionality lets users submit jobs tothe InVision printer directly from their MCAD package. The company has also added"self-correcting intelligence” functionality to the printer, enabling fast real-timediagnostics and automated recovery in the event of simple interruptions.
For complete details, go to
New Engine Modeling Features in STAR-CDCD-adapco (London, UK; says that STAR-CD v3.24, the latest release of its CFD (computational fluiddynamics) code, is packed with new features aimed directly at the engine modelingcommunity including Extended Coherent Flame Model (ECFM) combustion models. ECFM(ECFM and ECFM-3Z) extends CFD combustion modeling beyond the customary singlemixture regime restriction of traditional combustion models. The ECFM models areequally valid whether the charge is “pre-mixed,” “partially mixed,” “non-mixed,“or any combination of these.
Jointly developed by Renault and IFP (Institut Francais du Petrole), the ECFMmodels are intended to address the specific combustion challenges posed by directinjection (DI) engines, such as their high degree of charge stratification. TheECFM models are said to be valid in all mixture regimes, and equally applicablefor GDI engines using a spark ignition model and for HCCI and DI diesel enginesusing an auto-ignition model.
The interface between STAR-CD and GT-SUITE (GT-POWER, GT-COOL, GT-FUEL) fromGamma Technologies Inc. (Westmont, IL; in version 3.24 has been upgraded.STAR and GT-SUITE can be distributed across a network, communicating via the GT-LINKserver. The link is fully compatible with HPC analyses and there are no constraintson domain decomposition
Version 3.24 also has a new interface with Ricardo’s WAVE code. By coupling WAVEand STAR-CD, engineers can optimize the focus of their system simulations, applyingSTAR-CD to the components where detailed 3D analysis is required, and WAVE tothe remainder.
For complete details, visit
Bluebeam Software (Pasadena, CA;, a developer of file-sharing solutions for engineers and a SolidWorks solutionpartner, has announced Bluebeam Pushbutton Plus for SolidWorks.
Bluebeam Pushbutton Plus provides SolidWorks users with batch PDF conversionfrom SolidWorks, PDF booklet creation using the Bluebeam Stapler tool, conversionto seven different file formats, automatic PDF bookmarking, integrated file propertymanagement, customized text stamping and watermarking, and secure PDF creation.Its new suite of security features lets SolidWorks users password-protect PDFdrawings and restrict the ability to copy from, annotate, or print a PDF filecreated using Bluebeam’s PDF technology.
A free 30-day trial of Bluebeam Pushbutton Plus is available on the company’swebsite at
Acrobat 7.0 Improves document Workflows Adobe Systems Inc. (San Jose, CA; has announced version 7.0 of its Acrobat family of products, which includesAcrobat 7.0 Standard, Acrobat 7.0 Professional, and the free Adobe Reader 7.0.New features in Acrobat go beyond converting documents into Adobe PDF. Now, youcan use Acrobat 7.0 and Adobe PDF to manage critical business processes such asassembling documents from multiple sources, creating intelligent forms, and securelycollaborating on projects inside and outside the firewall.
A new key feature of Acrobat 7.0 Professional enables users to turn on the Acrobatmarkup tools in free Adobe Reader 7. This means that you can extend participationin document reviews to users of the free Adobe Reader 7.0, who can then add comments,notes, and highlights using Acrobat’s review and commenting tools.
To learn more, read David Cohn’s review of Acrobat 7.0, or visit the Adobe website
Spicer Corp. (Kitchener, ONT; reports that ViewCafé 3.24 now seamlessly integrates into FileNet’s ECM (enterprisecontent management) solution for access to electronic documents in the FileNetrepository. According to the Kitchener, Ontario-based Spicer, ViewCafé has receivedFileNet P8 Ready Certification as a validated partner application. FileNet’s P8seeks to ensure the highest standards of usability, performance, and deploymentfor a range of ECM applications that leverage FileNet’s P8 platform.
The ViewCafé integration into the FileNet P8 architecture will help organizationsbuild and sustain a competitive advantage by better managing content throughoutthe enterprise, streamlining business processes, and providing the full spectrumof connectivity needed to simplify critical and everyday decision-making.
ViewCafé offers remote file viewing of documents from anywhere on the local networkor from a web URL. New features of the ViewCafé 3.24 for FileNet P8 3.0 integrationinclude a redaction tool to conceal sensitive document information as well asadministrator-set permissions-based control, view, and markup modes.
User-defined color-coding of markups means that every client applet can havedifferent markup defaults. Among the new file formats ViewCafé 3.24 now supportsare AutoCAD DWG 2004 preliminary DWG 2005, DWF 6, SolidWorks 2D (version 2000,2002, 2004), and SolidWorks 3D (version 2004).
To access the ViewCafé online demonstration, to view a list of Spicer-FileNetSolution Partners, or to learn more about ViewCafé, visit
17-Inch LCD Monitor Ups the Contrast Ratio AnteThe SyncMaster 711t is a new 17-in. LCD monitor from Samsung (Irvine, CA; that features a 1000:1 contrast ratio to improve the detail of onscreen images.While most 17-in. LCDs offer 600:1 contrast ratios, the SyncMaster 711t offersgreater legibility when reading or viewing content on the monitor’s screen. Highercontrast ratios are also said to reduce eye fatigue and provide deeper shadowsthat are easier to distinguish, and produces brighter and richer colors.
The 711t features a 178-degree viewing angle, a brightness rate of 250cd/m2,a 0.264mm pixel pitch, and a maximum resolution of 1280 3 1024. Other featuresinclude a half-inch-thick bezel and a removable base so the monitor can be tiledor mounted to a wall. Portrait Displays’ Pivot software allows switching betweenportrait and landscape viewing. Visit for more information.
GTXImage Optimized for AutoCAD 2004 OEM EngineThe latest version of the CAD seriesimaging modules from GTX Corporation (Scottsdale, AZ;, GTXImage CAD Series Version 8, is a raster and vector drawing system for bringinglegacy paper drawings into a modern CAD, EDM, or GIS environment. The new seriesincludes GTXImage CAD Version 8 and GTXImage CAD PLUS Version 8.
Based on the AutoCAD 2004 OEM engine, the new version is fully AutoCAD 2004/2005DWG compatible, includes AutoCAD 2D drafting and editing features, and containsmany enhancements that help the user modify and enhance scanned raster archives.A hybrid raster and CAD editing solution, GTXImage’s editing features includecleanup and modification commands with use of CAD drawing and editing to traceover raster drawings; store or plot data as raster or hybrid raster/vector files;archive vector information by converting entities into raster objects; and selectbetween basic and advanced menu configurations to adjust the solution for useby both novice and advanced users.
For more information, visit
Integrated Engineering Software (IES; Winnipeg, MB; has released ELECTRO 6.2, the latest version of its 2D electric field solversoftware. Used for applications such as high voltage shielding, cables, transformers,insulators and bushings, transmission lines, lightning arrestors and pulsed powersystems, ELECTRO 6.2s calculations include electric field strength, transmissionline parameters and capacitance.
Transformer designers will find the addition of linear varying voltage boundaryconditions. A new impressed E field and a coenergy command have also been added.ELECTROs Hybrid BE-FE Method combines the strengths of the Boundary Element (BEM)and Finite Element (FEM) Methods to provide faster and more accurate solutions.ELECTRO 6.2 features the addition of quadratic finite elements and angular periodicFEM.
General enhancements include multiple level Undo/Redo for geometry editing, ratherthan a single Undo function; improved wording for a more efficient use of themessage area; and improved command line prompts. Geometry, modify, and analysismenu enhancements include a new Healing of Tangents function for automatic healing;the ability to delete selected surfaces and volumes without deleting any segmentsthat are bound to unselected surfaces; a Field Analysis Results dialog box allowsusers to save default settings or to restore the original settings; and more.
In other news, IES IMPORT version 6.2 is also available to link IES programsdirectly to CAD programs such as I-DEAS, SolidWorks, ProEngineer, Inventor, andSolid Edge to allow true representation of complex geometric shapes. IES IMPORTlets the drafting person import a 3D model from solid modeling software, zoomin and out, and rotate the model to ensure the model is accurate. The model canthen be saved to an IES database format and sent to the IES 3D user for furtheranalysis. For more information, visit
Six-Sigma Wizard Helps Parts FitWhen as many as half the parts and assemblies you design do not fit or work asexpected the first time around, ToleranceCalc wizard may be the easy-to-use solutionyou need, according to its developer GEOMATE Co. (San Jose, CA;
Just released in a new updated version, the ToleranceCalc wizard enables in-processtolerance stack-up and six-sigma quality analysis of parts and assemblies in anyCAD and solid modeling application. With it, you can extract 1D and 2D lineartolerance vectors from any DXF-compliant CAD application, at any stage of thedesign process, and then receive worst-case stack-up analysis results in minutes.Additionally, with just a few mouse-clicks you can apply standard Monte Carloanalysis to obtain sigma-quality and reject rate information.
GEOMATE says that wielding the ToleranceCalc wizard is as easy as spell checking.It does not require any specialized knowledge of dimensional engineering and canbe used by design and quality engineers as well as designers the first day, saysthe company. Price: $95. For more information, visit the company’s website.
Simple, Fast Tolerance CheckerLabein Technological Center (Derio, Spain; is shipping the latest version of its tolerance checker, TASysWorks ToleranceSolutions 2005, with improvements aimed at making the software easier and fasterto work with. New features include the ability to fix any tolerance without changingthe value of these tolerances when TASysWorks-INTOL is used; storage of a newconfiguration at any position in the assembly; and complete integration with SolidWorks2005 as well as SolidWorks 2004.
The new solution means engineers can check the quality of designs under developmentto catch potential problems early on, and get information on the factors theyneed to control to avoid these problems. The user is then able to optimize tolerancesto achieve quality at the lowest cost possible while trimming manufacturing waste,re-manufacturing, and choosing the best possible manufacturing process.
The solution suite includes the ability to set dimensional tolerances by defaultat the click of a button rather than adding tolerances individually, and visualizationcapabilities so users can view the SolidWorks assembly with all dimensional andgeometric tolerances set to their minimum, maximum, or median settings. This lastenables 3D control of tolerance effects on an assembly.
For more information, contact [email protected].
Model Millions of Surface Features Along Rows and ColumnsTracePro 3.3, the latest release from Lambda Research Corporation (Littleton,MA;, is 3D virtual prototyping software that facilitates the design and analysisof optical and illumination systems. The latest version features an enhanced RepTilealgorithm, Spatial Corporation’s ACIS R14 solid modeling kernel, upgraded propertyeditors, updates in the non-ray-splitting mode, enhancements in Irradiance/Illuminancemaps, irradiance viewing, and enhanced ray selection criteria for irradiance andcandela maps. The new algorithm simulates thousands, millions, or billions ofrepetitive surface features and is used for designing backlights used in flatpanel displays.
With TracePro 3.3, RepTile features are parameterized so they can be definedby an expression that can depend on the row and column number. Other enhancementsinclude a random
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DE EditorsDE’s editors contribute news and new product announcements to Digital Engineering.
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