Pro-Parts Material Evaluation Web Site Launched by 3D Systems

Material evaluation Web site equipped with online pricing capability for ordering SLA and SLS parts.

Material evaluation Web site equipped with online pricing capability for ordering SLA and SLS parts.

By DE Editors

3D Systems Corporation (Rock Hill, SC) further enables design and engineering professionals to benefit from additive manufacturing technology with the launch of its material evaluation Web site equipped with online pricing capability that may be used to order non-commercial Stereolithography (SLA) and Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)  parts.

Already 3D Systems experiences high traffic on its Web site. Partnering with a powerful network of expert Preferred Part Service Providers (PSPs), 3D Systems can offer a custom part-building marketplace for rapid prototyping and direct manufacturing applications.

The new website, located at  , makes it possible to evaluate 3D Systems’ materials and order parts built from new non-commercial Accura and DuraForm materials. Once ordered, the parts are manufactured on 3D Systems’ Pro Systems — the ViperT Pro SLA and Sinterstation Pro SLS Systems – at their Rapid ManufacturingCenter located at 3D Systems’ global headquarters. Other benefits of the Web site includes the access to 3D Systems’ network of authorized PSPs for commercially available Accura and DuraForm Materials. For more information visit 3D Systems.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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