Power ScanToNURBS Now Available from nPower Software

Convert scanned meshes and export to CAD or rapid prototyping systems.

Convert scanned meshes and export to CAD or rapid prototyping systems.

By DE Editors

nPower Software has released a new product called Power ScanToNURBS, which imports scanned meshes into 3ds Max and converts them into a NURBS format that can be exported to various CAD systems or rapid prototyping machines. As a plug-in for Autodesk 3ds Max, the solution allows users to transfer mesh models to Autodesk Inventor and other CAD systems.

The software converts scanned mesh data, and creates high quality,  smooth surfaces, with at least G1 continuity across surface boundaries. Coupled with Power NURBS, the solution allows users to import scanned meshes, convert to NURBS to apply Boolean operations, filleting,  blending, etc., and then export the resulting NURBS model to virtually any CAD system or rapid prototyping machine.

Power ScanToNURBS is based on IntegrityWares  SOLIDS++ geometric modeling kernel, a hybrid modeling system that supports Solids, Surface and Polygonal modeling.

For more information, visit nPower Software  and IntegrityWare.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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