Pointools Launches Point Cloud Software Bundle

Suite includes applications and plug-ins for point cloud modeling.

Suite includes applications and plug-ins for point cloud modeling.

By DE Editors

Pointools has launched a new software bundle for working with point clouds. This new “Pointools Suite” gives users a portfolio of applications and plugs-ins designed to streamline the conversion, processing, and reuse of point cloud models.

“By packaging these applications and plug-ins in a cost effective bundle, we are making it easier for project teams to work with 3D laser scan data inside their preferred CAD application environments,” says Joe Croser, vice president of products at Pointools. “For a very competitive price,  users can now convert raw point data into detailed 3D point cloud models. They can process and edit point clouds to generate high-definition movies, and they can reuse the same point cloud models inside a broad range of Autodesk, Rhino,  and Google SketchUp apps.”

Pointools Suite includes Pointools POD Creator (to convert a range of 3D laser scan formats), Pointools Edit (for selecting, editing,  segmenting, and animating point cloud models), and Pointools Plug-ins for Rhino, Google SketchUp, and Autodesk applications including AutoCAD, Civil 3D,  Architecture, Map 3D, and Land Desktop.

Pointools Plug-ins all reuse the same Pointools POD model file format to eliminate the need for translations when working across applications environments. In addition, Pointools plug-ins enable AutoCAD,  Rhino, and SketchUp users to increase modeling productivity by rapidly displaying large point cloud models on-screen.

For more information, visit Pointools.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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