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PLM on the Go with Autodesk PLM 360

Mobile app augments the browser.

Sponsored Content At Autodesk, we believe product lifecycle management (PLM) should reflect your own lifestyle. You’re always on the go, always on the move. You manage a significant portion of your appointments and communications with mobile devices. You snap photos to record and share remarkable experiences, from delicious meals to outdoor adventures. No matter where you are, you can remain connected to your friends and family. So why shouldn’t you expect the same mobility and convenience from your PLM software?

PLM 360 MobileWe think you should. That’s why we came up with the Autodesk PLM 360 Mobile App, designed for iOS and Android devices. The lightweight app augments the way you manage your projects and product development teams in the Autodesk PLM 360 browser-based software. The mobile app features:

  • The Dashboard, to stay on top of projects and to monitor outstanding items, recent changes, reports, and alerts;
  • Workspace Data, to make sure the whole team is always connected wherever they are with access to an instantly updated single source of “the truth”;
  • Workflow, to avoid bottlenecks by letting task owners perform approvals and recommendations from wherever they are;
  • Change Management, to immediately initiate or respond to change orders in real-time, with a clear understanding of the circumstances and history of changes;
  • Attachments, to communicate ideas for products, assemblies, and components by quickly and easily capturing and attaching photos with your camera; and
  • Reports, to improve decision-making with reports, charts, and graphs that reveal the big picture.

What Customers Say

Avi Robbins, Director of Global Product Development, Porex, is among those who have been using the Autodesk PLM 360 Mobile App to manage his teams. His observes, “The mobile app is making it easier for us to do our jobs. For example, working with test reports is faster. Since PLM is on our phones, we have the ability to snap a photo and attach it directly to the report right in the lab. We don’t have to transfer the photo to a laptop, go back to the office, and then upload it to a PLM server.”

Porex supplies porous industrial materials to a variety of manufacturers, including those in healthcare, consumer, and industrial markets. By its own estimate, Porex employs over 700 people around the world and serves over 1,300 customers in 65 countries. But you don’t have to be a company of the same size to benefit from our PLM software.

Fit for a Business of Any Size

Priced $75 and $150 per user per month respectively for Professional and Enterprise seats, Autodesk PLM 360 is within the reach of practically any business owner, from the smallest design shops to international car makers. If you have a core group of PLM users surrounded by a large pool of PLM data consumers, Autodesk PLM 360 lets you affordably add participants at $25 per user per month.

Built for the cloud from the ground up, Autodesk PLM 360 takes a radically different approach to PLM. We take on the responsibility of maintaining the backend IT infrastructure, leaving you to what you do best—make great products. Your subscription gives you access to an entire menu of PLM functionalities, but you can pick and choose only the components applicable to you to keep your data management burden to a minimum. The software’s cloud architecture reflects the current workforce’s lifestyle and behavior. Navigation is as simple as browsing a website. All these characteristics add up to a PLM product that new users will quickly embrace.

To see who have been using Autodesk PLM 360 and why they like it, read our customer stories at For more on our mobile app, visit the Autodesk PLM 360 Channel on YouTube.

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