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Phil Spreier, intrinSIM Aid Engineering Software Companies

PLM expert, intrinSIM will subcontract services from each other.

intrinSIM announced an agreement with Phil Spreier to collaborate on assisting engineering software companies bringing products to market. The bilateral agreement will allow Phil Spreier and/or intrinSIM to subcontract services from each other to provide more comprehensive solutions for their respective customers.

Phil Spreier is an industry expert on PLM data formats and interoperability, specializing in 3D PDF.  Phil also serves as the technical director of the 3D PDF Consortium and works with industry leaders on the development and implementation of 3D PDF in engineering workflows.

“I have had the pleasure of working with Phil in various roles over the years. We are very pleased to add Phil Spreier as an intrinSIM resource,” said Joe Walsh, CEO/founder at intrinSIM.  “Together, intrinSIM and Phil Spreier can provide the engineering software community comprehensive assistance for successfully bringing the gap between technology and market.”

For more information, visit intrinSIM.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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