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Optimus Update Includes New Siemens, MSC Interfaces

MSC Adams/View interface facilitates use of multi-body dynamics.

MSC Adams/View interface facilitates use of multi-body dynamics.

By DE Editors

The latest Optimus 10.13 release from Noesis Solutions  introduces three new interfaces for Siemens NX CAD, Siemens NX CAE and MSC Adams/View. Further extensions and performance improvements to existing interfaces add support for the latest PTC Creo Parametric 2.0 and ANSYS Workbench 15.0. In addition, the new release provides support for ANSYS RSM HPC Parametric Pack and parallelization capabilities for the existing MATLAB interface.
The new direct interface for MSC Adams/View typically facilitates the use of multi-body dynamics to better understand the dynamics of moving parts, or how loads and forces propagate through mechanical systems,  the company says. By automatically scanning all model parameters and system response metrics defined in the Adams/View command files, the solution eliminates the need for manual parameterization and batch mode execution.
Using the new Optimus interface, parametric simulation campaigns involving MSC Adams quickly provide a comprehensive data set to be further processed by Optimus’ Design of Experiments (DOE) and Response Surface Modeling (RSM).
Optimus 10.13 includes NX CAD and NX CAE direct interfaces. Both interfaces support automatic parameter parsing through expressions defined in NX, which the company says reduces the need for manual user interaction and parameterization. Support of NX server mode enables Optimus to launch the Siemens NX software once, and then manage numerous subsequent model adaptations and runs during the simulation and optimization process.
The PTC Creo Parametric 2.0 interface update additionally supports Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 as well as Creo Parametric 1.0. With interfaces available for the current versions of PTC Creo Parametric,  CATIA V5 and NX CAD, Optimus now fully supports all major parametric 3D CAD solutions.

The solution not only supports the ANSYS 15 version released just recently, but also adds support for ANSYS’ scalable solutions for the simultaneous execution of multiple design points (ANSYS 14.5/15). Optimus 10.13 supports the ANSYS Workbench-based Remote Solve Manager (RSM), a job queuing system that manages analyses on Windows and Linux operating systems. The RSM enables virtual experiments to be executed simultaneously in the background on local workstations or on remote servers.
Optimus 10.13 has also been extended to support parallel execution of multiple MATLAB runs, either using Optimus’ local parallel capabilities, Optimus Parallel Services, or third-party queuing systems. Optimus Parallel Services (introduced with Optimus 10.12) is Noesis Solutions’ new lightweight queuing system. In any of these MATLAB-involved parallel execution scenarios, Optimus orchestrates the remote execution of inputs substitution, simulations and results extraction.
For more information, visit Noesis Solutions.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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