Optimus 5.3 Enables Process Integration and Design Optimization

Determine the best control factor settings independently from noise effects.

Determine the best control factor settings independently from noise effects.

By DE Editors

Noesis Solutions (Leuven, Belgium) released Optimus 5.3 to provide a complete implementation of the Taguchi method and introduce the capability of composing nested workflows, which allows for the simplification of complex engineering processes.

This is complemented with an execution management mechanism for high performance computing (HPC) environments, a new algorithm for multi-objective optimization, and several usability enhancements.

As the quality requirements and customer expectations increase, device manufacturers from all industries must either develop more stringent inspection and testing methods on physical prototypes or improve the product design and process capabilities to decrease product variability early in product development.

To frontload the engineering procedures and take into account design and manufacturing related variability of material, operating conditions, use, and aging factors, Optimus 5.3 provides a comprehensive implementation of Taguchi method.

To learn more about process integration and multi-disciplinary design optimization software, contact Noesis Solutions.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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