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Optimization Leader: ESTECO

The newly released modeFRONTIER 2014 makes advanced optimization a one-click experience.

Steering Optimization the Smart Way

ESTECOWhen ESTECO came onto the scene in the late nineties, optimization technology was in its early days; now it is an essential part of the engineering toolkit. As a pioneer in this field, ESTECO continues to provide industry with best-in-class optimization technology with the aim of making life easier for engineers.

As design complexity grows alongside demands for tools that reduce costs and speed up the design process, so does the need for technologies that effectively manage complexity, simply and rapidly. The newly released modeFRONTIER 2014 is the outcome of ESTECO’s endeavour to drive the engineering design process in that direction, by giving users a simplified optimization experience and new features that open the platform to web-based collaboration.

One-Click Optimization

With the new proprietary ESTECO optimization algorithm pilOPT, modeFRONTIER 2014 advanced optimization is no longer the exclusive domain of experts; with one click, pros and non-experts alike can perform complex optimization processes simply by specifying one parameter. By combining global and local search, and balancing real and RSM-based optimization, pilOPT achieves good coverage of the Pareto front quickly and delivers a set of good and robust solutions every time, ensuring substantial time savings and the efficient use of computational resources.


Taking Optimization to the Next Level

Along with simplifying the optimization process, systems integration and management of complex multidisciplinary design scenarios are key to streamlining the engineering workflow. By extending the modeFRONTIER desktop paradigm to the SOMO web-based collaborative framework, ESTECO has created a virtual environment that enables geographically distributed design experts to solve complex problems cooperatively, effectively taking optimization to a new level.

ESTECO’s forefront technology reflects its commitment to providing continuous support and innovative solutions for the evolving demands and requirements of its customers: ease of use, web-technology and effective collaboration management are the drivers ESTECO uses to improve the experience of designers on their road to the future.

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