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Open Design Alliance Announces ODA World Conference 2010

Conference scheduled for May 4-5 in Orlando.

Conference scheduled for May 4-5 in Orlando.

By DE Editors

The Open Design Alliance (ODA) will host the second ODA World Conference in Orlando on May 4-5, 2010. The ODA is asking its members, partners, and others to submit industry-related papers and presentations for the conference.

Each day of the conference will include presentations by ODA member companies, ODA partners, and other third parties, as well as workshops in the ODA Technology Exchange. The new ODA Technology Exchange format will provide a small-group, workshop-like format for more direct interaction,  collaboration and “how-to” sessions with technology leaders to address specific questions and requirements. Topics will include, among others, the latest developments and advancements in the CAD industry, conceptual and practical implementations of ODA technology, and how to blend ODA components and third-party components to create a foundation for innovative solutions.

  “The ODA World Conference last year proved to be a tremendous success,” says Arnold van der Weide, president of the ODA. “ODA members and colleagues gathering from across the globe generated new business relationships, new ideas, and new energy. Feedback indicated that 80 percent of last year’s attendees plan to attend the ODA World Conference again. This year’s conference will include less formal presentations, and the introduction of the ODA Technology Exchange will allow attendees to learn more about technology from the ODA, ODA members, ODA partners, and other third parties in a workshop-like setting. We look forward to seeing those who joined us before and new attendees to collaborate and learn about the advances in the CAD industry and ODA technology.”

For those individuals and companies interested in delivering presentations at the ODA World Conference or to present their technology in the ODA Technology Exchange, contact the ODA administration offices.

Sources:  Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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