Objet Geometries’ Connex500T Receives 2008 RadTech USA Emerging Technologies Award

Latest technology from 3D printing company recognized alongside 3M, Ford, and General Motors.

Latest technology from 3D printing company recognized alongside 3M, Ford, and General Motors.

By DE Editors

Connex500T, a rapid prototyping system from 3D printing technology developer Objet Geometries Ltd. (Rehovot, Israel), received a 2008 RadTech USA Emerging Technologies Award honoring outstanding use of ultraviolet (UV) and electron beam (EB)  technologies. RadTech is a non-profit trade organization for manufacturers of ultraviolet and electron beam cured coatings, inks, adhesives, and composites and products.

The Connex500 is the first rapid prototyping system to enable the manufacture of 3D parts using several different materials simultaneously. Objet joins several other technology leaders,  including 3M, Armstrong, Breit Technologies, DVUV, Ford Motor Company, and General Motors, as recipients of this year’s awards.

Connex500T offers product developers the ability to print parts and assemblies made of materials with different mechanical and physical properties in a single build process. The system’s patented PolyJet MatrixT Technology jets materials in ultra-thin layers and immediately cures each layer with UV light, a process that yields models closely emulating the look, feel, and function of a wide variety of end products. In addition, Connex500T is the first system to allow the creation of composite materials with pre-set combinations of mechanical properties.

The Connex500T system, unveiled in November 2007, received its award on May 6, 2008, at the RadTech UV/EB Technology Expo and Conference in Chicago, which is dedicated to fostering educational, technical, and scientific advancement in the manufacture and use of UV and EB curable products.

Objet Geometries, develops, manufactures, and globally markets ultra-thin-layer, high-resolution 3D printing solutions for rapid prototyping and rapid manufacturing. The company’s range of solutions, include the Eden line of systems, based on Objet’s patented PolyJetT technology, and the Connex500T, based on PolyJet Matrix technology. Objet systems are used in the automotive, electronics, toy, consumer goods, and footwear industries in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia,  and Japan. Objet owns more than 50 patents and patent pending inventions.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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