NURBS-Based Environment for RP and Reverse Engineering

Amapi facilitates creation and editing of complex models.

Amapi facilitates creation and editing of complex models.

By DE Editors

Amapi Pro 7.51 from e frontier (Scotts Valley, CA) is said to provide aNURBS-based environment to construct, model, and assemble complex 3Dmodels. Amapi Pro in conjunction with many other design applications ismost often used for product, packaging, jewelry design, furnituredesign, rapid prototyping, and reverse engineering applications.

Amapi Pro handle IGES, SAT, STEP, openNURBS, VDAFS, STL, and DWG fileformats. Additionally, it can import and export EPS, OBJ, 3DS, andDXF formats. Said to be flexible and fast, Amapi Pro deploys with whatthe company calls a “unique user interface” that designers use tocreate and edit complex surfaces and volumes. Its Dynamic Geometrypalette lets you navigate inside complex, multi-level objects orrevisit earlier design for design alternatives.

Amapi Pro has full NURBS and polyhedral modeling engines. Its curve andsurface construction toolset includes a 2D drawing toolbox; generalizedextrusions, lofting, hulls; and the ability to define volumes bysurface boundaries. Among its high-end modeling tools are trimmedsurfaces and Boolean operators as well as variable filleting, surfaceoffset, and thickness.

Amapi Pro is available in English and French for Windows and Macintoshplatforms, and it comes with integrated support for Microscribedigitizers from Immersion Corp. Amapi Pro is priced at  $749.99via download from e frontier’s online store. Contact the company for upgradepricing from any previous version of Amapi Pro or click here to go directly to moreinformation on Amapi Pro.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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