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November 2005

By DE Editors

Editor’s Pick of the Week—November 30, 2005

Personal Supercomputing Made EasierDistributed Computing Toolbox 2 from The MathWorks lets engineers and scientists take on more gnarly challenges.The MathWorks (Natick, MA) announced the availability of version 2 ofits high-productivity programming tool, the Distributed ComputingToolbox. The Distributed Computing Toolbox 2 makes it convenient forengineers, researchers, and scientists to develop and run distributedapplications using MATLAB, the company’s flag technical computingsystem. In addition to making personal supercomputing power readilyavailable at your desktop, the Distributed Computing Toolbox 2 alsoserves as a high-level technical language for supercomputingspecialists. 

‹‹ Plot displaying the performance of five equalizers. Using thedistributed computing products, this MATLAB application was dividedinto several tasks, each of which performs the same calculation fordifferent signal-to-noise ratios, and is executed on a remote cluster. 

The Distributed Computing Toolboxworks with the MATLAB

Distributed Computing Engine

, available separately, to give you the ability to execute MATLAB algorithms and


models in a computer cluster. You prototype and developapplications in the MATLAB environment, and you then use the DistributedComputing Toolbox to divide the applications into independent tasks.The combination of attributes and functionality within theDistributed Computing Toolbox2 simplifies the development of distributed computing applications,which, in turn, enables domain experts to take on more formidablecomputing challenges than was previously practical. Its newinterprocess communication capabilities facilitate the distribution andexecution of parallel algorithms in a compute cluster. Further, theDistributed Computing Toolbox now supports third-party schedulers, suchas LSF from

Platform Computing


›› Processing 30 GB of geospatial information across the US with a clusterof four 2.8 GHz Pentium IV machines, achieves an almost linear speedup. 


Third-party scheduler support means that you can use the generic APIprovided with the Distributed Computing Toolbox as well as integrateMathWorks’s distributed computing tools into your existing distributedcomputing environments. This capability lets you leverage a scheduler’sunique capabilities, such as support for batch jobs. It also means thatyou can continue to take advantage of the interactive workflowssupported in version 1 by The MathWorks job manager in the MATLABDistributed Computing Engine.The Distributed Computing Toolbox 2’s interprocess communicationenhancements lets you execute parallel applications that are dividedinto interdependent tasks. Version 2’s communication functions arebased on MPI (message passing interface), the industry-wide protocolfor communication in a parallel program. Because Distributed ComputingToolbox 2 runs on any hardware that MATLAB runs on, you can redeployyour parallel applications on new hardware or operating systems withoutretooling the entire application.The Distributed Computing Toolbox supports the full MATLAB language,most every MathWorks’s product, and all supported MATLAB platforms. TheMATLAB Distributed Computing Engine can run in either homogeneous orheterogeneous clusters.  Both the Distributed Computing Toolboxand MATLAB Distributed Computing Engine are available immediately.Pricing remains unchanged from earlier versions: $1000 US for theDistributed Computing Toolbox 2 and $6,000 Distributed Computing Engine.Forcomplete details, including data sheets and quick lessons on how youcan develop your own distributed MATLAB applications, go to theDistributed Computing Toolbox information page by clicking



 Editor’s Pick of the Week—November 23, 2005

Optical Simulator Enhanced

Lambda Research also tightens collaboration between mechanical and optical engineers

Lambda Research Corp.

(Littleton, MA) has announced TracePro 3.3.4, the latest release of its optical engineering design software. In related news, the company also announced TracePro Bridge for SolidWorks,which provides the required link to blend in and analyze the effects oflight on sophisticated mechanical structures created in SolidWorks from

SolidWorks Corp.

(Concord, MA).The newest version of TracePro offers 47 additions and enhancements,according to the company. Key new functionality includes the ability tohandle transmitting thin sheets and embedded thin sheets, which can beused as observation planes outside or within defined objects inTracePro models. For example, thin sheets could be used in tissueoptics modeling for medical devices. Output measurements made on thinsheets after ray tracing let you determine key areas where relevantoptical data (flux, penetration power and attenuation, scattering data,etc.) can be better gathered, paving the way for future usablemeasurements on test subjects. Similar use of thin sheets innon-medical applications can also be done in TracePro.Additionally, TracePro’s RepTile feature, which is used in periodictextured surfaces simulation, now can be exported via 2D DXF drawingfile format. TracePro’s analysis capabilities for luminaires and otherlighting applications include additional IES output options to specifythe number of lamps, flux scaling, and luminous dimensions for moredetailed reporting of photometric data.TracePro 3.3.4 updated 3D kernel provides faster ray-trace algorithms.The enhanced TracePro measurement tool now shows distance changes inthree orthogonal dimensions for vertex to vertex selections, whichenables you to more accurately position objects, while ensuring betteraccuracy in virtual model design.Other improvements include output of stray light ray path data totalflux containing the fraction of the total flux for each ray path tofacilitate more complete stray light analysis.Deployed as a SolidWorks add-in, TracePro Bridge for SolidWorks enablesyou to incorporate optical components, light sources, detectors,sensors, optical effects, and optical properties directly in yourmechanical models. You can then export your completed optomechanicalmodels to TracePro for optical ray tracing and analysis.TracePro Bridge lets you assign and save TracePro optical properties toyour models from within SolidWorks. The software also lets you viewproperties of objects and surfaces comprising the model, and itprovides for transition of models from SolidWorks to the opticalanalysis software.The company expects to begin shipments of TracePro Bridge for SolidWorks in January. For a complete list release of 47 additions and improvements in TracePro 3.3.4, click


.Current TracePro users will find the TracePro 3.3.4 update installeravailable for download on Lambda Research’s web site by clicking


.For more information, go to the Lambda Research website by clicking



Editor’s Pick of the Week—November 17, 2005

Dassault and IBM Release New PLM Portfolio

New version extends support to 64-bit Windows.

Dassault Systèmes

(DS; Paris, France) and


(Armonk, NY) haveannounced Version 5 Release 16 (V5R16) of their PLM (product lifecyclemanagement) portfolio. The PLM portfolio comprises CATIA forcollaborative product development as well as ENOVIA and SMARTEAM forproduct data and lifecycle management, collaboration, and decisionsupport. The new release supports 64-bit Microsoft Windows and extendsthe reach of the 3D XML communications technology into manufacturing. Concurrently, DSannounced DELMIA V5R16 for the digital development of factory andproduction processes.New capabilities in ENOVIA fully integrate product simulation withdesign and lifecycle management processes. New collaborationcapabilities within ENOVIA V5 VPM Navigator and SMARTEAM TeamPDM enableextended partner networks to work together in globally distributed 3Denvironments. Entire engineering packages can now be shared and managedbidirectionally while protecting intellectual property.V5R16 improves the integration of engineering and manufacturingenvironments. For example, engineering specifications captured withinthe 3D environment are automatically made available and accounted forduring manufacturing process planning. This ensures a lean process flowfrom design intent to production set-up. Also, V5R16 captures andre-uses processes and intellectual property at both the enterpriselevel with Enterprise Process Management, leveraging IBM Webspheretechnology, and at the Engineering or Manufacturing level, with the V5Business Process Knowledge templates.V5R16 provides major XML enhancements through its combined 3DXMLand web services strategy. New integration of the 3D XML Player withLotus Notes enhances collaboration and joint decision-making by sharing3D product and other information.The full CATIA portfolio supports 64-bit Windows. The new releaseenables 3D-only paperless design-to-manufacturing, while VPM Navigatorand TeamPDM streamline product development by enabling teams toseamlessly manage advanced design process information from within asingle engineering desktop.V5R16 supports AIX and Windows 64-bit across all ENOVIA DMU (digitalmock-up) and VPM portfolios. It drives openness and infrastructurestandardization via native Web Services connectivity, and it offers newproducts for managing product simulation and electrical cable routingprocesses. This release offers improved tools for change management,enterprise process management, navigation, and reporting. V5R16 alsostrives to optimize decision support by seamlessly integrating impactanalysis and digital mock-up processes.The DELMIA solution for digital development of factory and productionprocesses now supports Windows 64-bit across its entire portfolio.V5R16 enables users to access and manipulate very large datasets asthey develop, plan, and validate manufacturing processes. “Best inClass” manufacturing process planning, detailing, simulation andvalidation solutions for the machining and ergonomics domains arereinforced. The reach of 3DXML is extended to the manufacturing domain.For in-depth details on V5R16 for CATIA, ENOVIA, SMARTEAM, and DELMIA, click here for


‘s site or here for


‘s site.

Editor’s Pick of the Week—November 9, 2005

KeyCreator 5 Hits Interoperability Head-On

Provides Efficient Path Between OEMs and Job Shops, Designers, and Manufacturers

Late in October, Kubotek USA (Marlborough, MA) announced KeyCreator 5,the newest version of its widely used design and manufacturingsolution. Version 5 attacks interoperability issues head-on, says thecompany. It adds that moldmakers and job shops in particular will finduncommon value in KeyCreator 5’s new functionality for detecting andworking with specific patterns and features within a model and dumbimported files.
KeyCreator 5 is said to provide substantial new functionality thatbuilds on the company’s use of geometry and intelligent freeformmodeling capabilities. This architecture lets you import, edit, andwork with non-native files easily. Version 5’s new pattern and featurediscovery functionality, for example, lets you highlight, prune, andgraft distinct model elements, patterns, groups of features, and blendsquickly.

KeyCreator 5.0 Direct Feature Editing Toolbox holds the tools to editfeatures in dumb models directly. For example, its face selection,pattern, and feature discovery capabilities let you find, name, select,and work with any pattern or feature in a model, including blends,sheet metal bends, holes, pockets, bosses, and countersinks. Moldmakerscould, for example, use this functionality to speed the creationprocess by stripping away extraneous parts quickly.

The Toolbox’s Prune capability enables you to create a tool solid fromselected sets of faces of an existing solid, and the Graft functionaids in dynamic orienting and positioning as well as uniting orsubtracting pruned tool solids.
KeyCreator blends surface, solid, and wireframe modeling, whichprovides you with flexible model modification and editingfunctionality. Miscellaneous features found in Version 5 includeuser-definable 3D dynamic environment map rendering, zebra lineanalysis, dynamic transparent cutting plane, user-definable backgroundimage support, and sheet-metal bending.

The KeyCreator product family includes multidimensional design anddrafting, NC programming, and the company’s geometry-based foundationwith localized feature editing and deformation techniques. NorthAmerican pricing for KeyCreator 5 begins at $3495, including one yearof maintenance. Current maintenance-paying customers can download thenew version immediately.
Visit Kubotek by clicking here. To download an extensive list of major enhancements in KeyCreator5, click here.

Editor’s Pick of the Week—November 2, 2005

SpaceTraveler Goes More Lightly

New pricing for 3D motion controller could spur greater adoption of technology.

Late last week, 3Dconnexion (Los Gatos, CA) halved the price for theSpaceTraveler, its entry-level 3D motion controller. SpaceTraveler nowcosts $199. The company hopes that with the new entry-level price pointit can rapidly expand its user base beyond the 350,000 users its sayscurrently leverage its products for product design, modeling, and animation.

In a telephone discussion with DE, a company spokesperson cited twofactors that lead to the price reduction. First, he noted that3Dconnexion had come to recognize that a high price for anentry-level unit discouraged potential users from seriously considering giving 3Dmotion controllers a try. Consequently, the company started to experiment withdifferent pricing models, mostly in the form of trade show specials.After running several pricing tests, the company was sufficientlyencouraged by the response that it decided to reduce theSpaceTraveler’s price permanently.
The second factor is that 3Dconnexion, which is part of Logitech, hasbegun to take advantage of its parent company’s operations andlogistics infrastructure to better leverage supply chain anddistribution efficiencies. This, in turn, has resulted in a lower coststructure for the SpaceTraveler. The savings could then be passed on toconsumers.

The SpaceTraveler features eight programmable buttons that allow usersto customize the unit for various application shortcuts. It supportsmore than 120 applications and comes with a three-year warranty.SpaceTraveler has won several awards including Desktop Engineering’sReader’s Choice Award, Game Developer Magazine’s 2003 Finalist Award,and Animation Magazine’s Seal of Excellence Award.
SpaceTraveler is available immediately through the 3Dconnexion’s website as wellas through it worldwide distributors, resellers, and selectedOEMs. Click here to go directly to the SpaceTraveler information page.

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