Notebook Offers Workstation Features in Desktop Replacement

EUROCOM D900K F-BOMB world's first dual-core FX2 AMD-based notebook.

EUROCOM D900K F-BOMB world's first dual-core FX2 AMD-based notebook.

By DE Editors

Eurocom Corporation(Napean, ONT) says its new mobile workstation combines workstation-likefeatures, power, and flexibility with Eurocom desktop replacementtechnology and AMD dual-core and FX single-core processing power. Thenew notebooks mean designers, engineers, and  programmers can gomobile and practice their craft anywhere they see fit equipped withmobile systems capable of running 3D modeling and engineering softwarewith a single computer solution.

The workstation features many innovative computer technologies,including AMD Dual-Core and FX 64-bit, Intel Pentium 4 Prescott up to3.6 GHz (FSB800); dual-channel memory DDR 400 MHz and DDR2 533 MHz upto 2 GB; high-end upgradeable graphics with 256MB of DDR2 video withATI and NVIDIA chipsets certified for OpenGL; large capacity notebookhard drives up to 160 GB or 320 GB of storage with multiple drives;data integrity solution with RAID 0 and 1 in a notebook; and much more.

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