NextEngine Keeps RapidWorks Users Updated

News reports updates and applications.

News reports updates and applications.

By DE Editors

In addition to keeping RapidWorks current, NextEngine,  Inc. (Santa Monica, CA) recaps case studies that focus on 3D scanning applications of the NextEngine Desktop 3D Scanner, in NextEngine News (Spring 2008).

This image accompanies one such example in which RapidWorks was used by Mark Armer to meet a customer’s need to model an F-15 fighter jet control stick for integration into production of a test flight simulator. The software allowed him to combine complex surfaces and simple prismatic shapes to define the part and save it as an IGES solid file. NextEngine is also offering a copy of its RAPID 2008 presentation, “Personal 3D Scanners Accelerate Desktop Design.”

Users are encouraged to check for updates of NextEngine’s software: ScanStudio Core and RapidWorks.

For further details, go to NextEngine, Inc.

Sources:  Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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