Next Limit Technologies Launches RealFlow 2012

Fluid and body dynamics software promises more versatility and ease of use.

Fluid and body dynamics software promises more versatility and ease of use.

By DE Editors

Next Limit Technologies has launched the latest version of its fluid and body dynamics software, RealFlow.

“With this latest version we have made major advances in terms of speed, versatility and scale, and have developed exciting new features which will significantly improve your RealFlow workflow,” says Angel Tena, lead developer of RealFlow.
According to the company, new updates include:

  • Improvements to Hybrido workflow and performance
  • New fracture tool to create fractured objects directly
  • New retimer tool
  • New MultiServos engines
  • Graphical user interface enhancements

Also new with RealFlow 2012 is the RealFlow Learning Edition. This is a restricted, non-commercial version designed to give more people a chance to experience the software.

For more information, visit the RealFlow site.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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