New Workstation for High End Graphics

BOXX APEXX 4 designed specially for complex effects and detailed computer-generated objects.

BOXX APEXX 4 designed specially for complex effects and detailed computer-generated objects.

By DE Editors

The new APEXX 4 is a new workstation from BOXX Technologies(Austin, TX) designed specifically for creating complex effects anddetailed computer-generated (CG) objects. The dual-core AMD Opteronprocessor architecture of the APEXX 4 offers design engineers whorequire high-performance graphics and analysis abilities another choice.

The 64-bit personal workstation with as much as 64GB of memory, APEXX 4is intended to boost the efficiency of design engineers, analysts, anddigital artists working on complex real-time simulations andanimations, and on complex effects and detailed computer-generated (CG)objects.

The APEXX 4 is based on the integration of non-proprietary PCtechnologies and delivers a high-end computing experience that was theexclusive domain of proprietary UNIX workstations. The computer’sdesign team has paid special attention to ensure that, with itstremendous processing power, the APEXX 4 workstation remains quietenough to work as a personal workstation.

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