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June 1, 2006
By DE Editors
Kubotek USA(Marlborough, MA), a maker of geometry-based design and engineeringsoftware, has introduced a new set of shape design tools forKeyCreator. These advancements in shape design and surface creationoffer design engineers flexibility within a single hybrid designenvironment. The company has bundled the advanced tools into the latestrelease of its KeyCreator offering.
A company press release says KeyCreator integrates 2D drafting, 3Dwireframe, surfacing, solids, and NC into one environment. These latestshape design tools, combined with innovations introduced earlier thisyear for Feature Discovery and the ability to cut and paste features(called Prune and Graft) help companies streamline the product designprocess. KeyCreator provides a consistent interface throughout theproduct, helping users become productive faster.
Notable new tools in KeyCreator include a Curve Deform tool that allowsdynamic modification of any wireframe curve using either curve controlpoints or user-definable constraint points; a Deform Surface/Face toolto enable dynamic modification of 3D shapes consisting of onesurface/face or multiple surfaces or faces; a Reshape tool thatfacilitates the global modification of 3D shapes, allowing designers toquickly make new versions of one model or modify existing models perspecific design specifications at any point in the product designprocess; a Smooth tool that permits designers to fix continuityproblems in 3D models; and a Recover tool that fixes problem faces onany trimmed (N-sided) or untrimmed face using a set of user definedparameters to rebuild the surface or face automatically.
Price: $3,500 (to start; including 1-year of updates andsupport). The new shape design tools are bundled into the latest updateto the KeyCreator product for a limited time. Currentmaintenance-paying customers can download the new version immediately.
Images and demos can be found by clicking here.
Sources: Press materials received from the company. Additional information gleaned from the company’s website.
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