New Multisensor Measurement System

Brown and Sharpe's Optiv Systems support major CAD formats.

Brown and Sharpe's Optiv Systems support major CAD formats.

By Sara Ferris

Hexagon Metrology (North Kingstown, RI) announced the new Brown & Sharpe Optiv line of multisensor measurement systems. Optiv systems feature optical, camera, laser and tactile probing options in more than 25 size/accuracy combinations. Adual-Z axis is available on many models, which Hexagon says delivers faster measurement cycles than systems that combine multiple sensors on a single Z axis.

Optiv is powered by PC-DMIS dimensional metrology software in a special “PC-DMIS Vision” edition. CAD software can be used for offline programming, including simulated lighting, magnification and camera image. CAD translators and direct CAD interfaces to all major CAD formats ensure compatibility with most native CAD systems.

Zvonomir Kotnik, product manager for Vision and Multi-Sensor products, noted, “In some cases customers can actually run their existing CMM programs on the Optiv as-written. The power of a multi-sensor platform like Optiv is that you can combine the best aspects of 2D and 3D measurement in a single system.” 

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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