New Cloud Computing Company Launched

TFTLabs will provide CAD collaboration in the cloud.

TFTLabs will provide CAD collaboration in the cloud.

By DE Editors

TFTLabs is a newly formed company headquartered in Lyon, France, that will provide cloud-based, 3D collaborative solutions for designers. The company’s Communication, Openness, Scalability (COS)  concept allows users to import data from existing CAD systems to a 3D Web environment; access and manipulate data using a browser; and enrich and diffuse 3D information.

Using the company’s solutions, customers can set up instant 3D manufacturing project reviews and workshops; merge information from multiple sources into an open, extensible data model; and produce Web documents for project teams and sub-contractors. CAD data can be accessed outside of the CAD software

“Our COS concept is a revolutionary, Web-based paradigm that is for all the desktop viewing and interoperability software, what is Google Docs for Microsoft Office,” said CEO Francois Chretien. “It has been a complete rethinking of the 3D approach to comply with the cloud computing fast growing market. We are proud to announce today that the major CAD formats are already available in our offer.”

For more information, visit TFTLabs.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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