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Nemetschek Releases VectorWorks 12.5.3 Update

Fixes functionality and offers downloads.

Fixes functionality and offers downloads.

By DE Editors

Nemetschek North America (Columbia, MD) released VectorWorks 12.5.3, an update to VectorWorks 12.x. The update resolves a small number of problems of broad interest to VectorWorks 12.x users. This update also provides the first release version of VectorWorks IFC functionality for VectorWorks Architect. This IFC export and import capability has passed level 1 certification from the International Association for Interoperability, the governing body for the IFC file format, and has undergone a host of bug fixes and improvements since that certification.

VectorWorks 12.5.3 includes fixes to functionality problems with patterns, printing, and a crash in some common dialog boxes when using VectorWorks 12.x with Apple’s Leopard OS; a fix for a rare case on the Mac where a multi-step sequence of minimizing and expanding VectorWorks documents could ultimately result in the disk file becoming corrupt and losing user data; a fix for the 4GB RAM incompatibility seen under some configurations of Windows; the final VectorWorks Architect IFC import/export and space object functionality previously released in beta form for VectorWorks 12.5 users.

Downloads will update all English-language VectorWorks 12.x products — including VectorWorks Designer, Architect, Landmark, Spotlight, Machine Design, Fundamentals, and RenderWorks — to version 12.5.3.

For more information on downloads, contact Nemetschek North America.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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