NAFEMS Releases World Conference Agenda

The event will be in San Diego this June.

NAFEMS, an organization for engineering analysis, has released its preliminary agenda for its 2015 World Congress. The conference will be held in San Diego from June 21-24.

This conference, according to the organization, will have over 300 presentations, 15 training courses and an exhibition area. Topics will cover a variety of aspects pertaining to FEA (finite element analysis), CFD (computational fluid dynamics), SPDM (simulation process and data management) and more.

“The 2015 World Congress will feature a fantastic range of presentations from around the globe, covering every industry involved in FEA, CFD, SPDM and related technologies.” says Tim Morris, NAFEMS CEO. “We will be bringing the simulation community to San Diego in June, and with the associated training courses, workshops and discussion sessions, this is an event which will have real benefits for anyone involved in engineering analysis.”

For more information, visit NAFEMS.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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