Multisim 9 Enhances Simulation, Testing

By DE Editors

Integration with LabVIEW and SignalExpress joins EDA design and test tools
Electronics Workbench Corp. (Toronto, ONT), a National Instrumentscompany, has announced Multisim 9 and Electronics Workbench Series 9DesignSuite. The DesignSuite, which includes Multisim 9 as well asUltiboard 9 and Ultiroute 9, is an integrated solution that takes yourelectronics projects from concept through capture and simulation tofinal layout, and production. Key new functionality in Version 9 is itsseamless integration with NI’s LabVIEW graphical developmentenvironment and SignalExpress interactive measurement software.

Multisim’s LabVIEW and SignalExpress integration closes the disconnectbetween design and test tools. Using Multisim 9, you can accessenhanced simulation capabilities by using real-world data acquired byLabVIEW as the source that drives virtual circuits during testing. Byintegrating your simulation data and real-world measurements, you canreduce errors, shorten design time, and create designs that are morerobust. You can also use LabVIEW to graphically create fully customizedvirtual instruments to use in the Multisim environment in addition tothe software’s 20 supplied instruments.

Multisim 9 simulation results can now be imported into LabVIEW orSignalExpress in their native file formats. With this capability, youcan efficiently share and compare real-world and simulated data. Youcan use these results as benchmarks during project testing and debugphases and, because of native file formats, you do not have to convertfiles.

New features within Series 9 DesignSuite include the ability to usemathematical expressions within analyses while running simulations andnew circuit wizards that automatically generate circuitry to matchuser-defined parameters for Op Amps and MOSFET amplifiers. Newfunctionality in Ultiroute 9 autorouter enables prioritizing routingorder by net (or routing a single net).

You can access a freeware edition of the complete Series 9 DesignSuite or request a CD by registering by clicking here.

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