Motion Controller Boosts Inventor’s Performance

SpacePilot automatically adapts to more than 21 user environments within Autodesk Inventor

SpacePilot automatically adapts to more than 21 user environments within Autodesk Inventor

By DE Editors

3Dconnexion (Los Gatos, CA), a Logitech (Fremont, CA) company, hasannounced that its SpacePilot 3D motion controller’s sensingfunctionality has been enhanced so that it can now detect and rapidlyadapt to more than 21 user-operating environments in AutodeskInventor.  As your workflows move among environments andsub-environments within Autodesk Inventor, the SpacePilot automaticallydetects the workflow change, updates its function keys with newcommands, and displays them on its LCD screen. Default functions areprovided for each environment, and you can customize the function keysby choosing from the entire set of Autodesk Inventor commands.

To provide the increased detection capacity and performance,3Dconnexion developed a new sensing mechanism and coupled it withswitching-speed improvements. To enable user customization, 3Dconnexiondeveloped a software tool that allows access to any Autodesk Inventorcommand and uses simple drag and drop for mapping commands to keys onthe SpacePilot.

The new version of the SpacePilot software for Autodesk Inventor is availableimmediately on 3Dconnexion’s website by downloading the 3DxSoftwarepackage for Windows XP/2000. For more information, click here.

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