Moldflow Shipping Shotscope 4.0 and MPX 4.0

Manufacturing Solutions offerings help improve productivity and efficiency of injection molding applications.

Manufacturing Solutions offerings help improve productivity and efficiency of injection molding applications.

By DE Editors

Moldflow Corporation(Framingham, MA) announced last week the immediate availability of twoof its enhanced injection molding solutions, Moldflow Plastics Xpert(MPX) 4.0 and Shotscope 4.0. New features in both products will help toimprove manufacturing productivity and efficiency. Both Shotscope andMPX are part of Moldflow’s Manufacturing Solutions offerings.

The MPX system automates the setup, optimization, and control of theinjection molding process. MPX 4.0 allows manufacturers to maintainoptimal conditions to produce quality parts at low costs. Enhancementsinclude a new viscosity control method that automatically compensatesfor changes in plastics flow characteristics during production. A newsetup routine helps determine an optimum injection velocity from therelative viscosity shear rate curve. With these new enhancements userscan realize improvements in manufacturing productivity and the qualityof plastic injection molded parts. MPX 4.0 also interfaces with currentmachine control technology and provides online process correctiontechnology developed exclusively for the plastics injection moldingindustry.

Shotscope is a quality analysis application designed to preventdefective parts from entering the supply chain. New features forShotscope 4.0 include automatic part diversion after machine downtime,automatic reject counting of auxiliary equipment, and new labortracking options that allow for swipe card login and multiple operatorlogon per machine.

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