ModuleWorks Sets up Cooperation With Mitsubishi Electric

The new simulation technology provides detailed CNC machine simulation with graphics and advanced features such as full-scene collision detection to protect both the machine environment as well as the workpiece.

The new simulation technology provides detailed CNC machine simulation with graphics and advanced features such as full-scene collision detection to protect both the machine environment as well as the workpiece.

ModuleWorks announces a cooperation regarding machine simulation on Mitsubishi Electric computer numerical control (CNC) controls. Mitsubishi Electric, developing CNCs and focused on industrial globalization, are using ModuleWorks simulation technology as part of their digitalization campaign.

The new simulation technology provides detailed CNC machine simulation with graphics and advanced features such as full-scene collision detection to protect both the machine environment as well as the workpiece, thereby increasing productivity and efficiency. 

“Thanks to key business partners such as Mitsubishi Electric, we can continue to develop new features and technologies for this innovative industry,” says Mark Foti, head of Digital Factory at ModuleWorks.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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