MetaGeek Creates Mini 2.4Ghz Spectrum Analyzer

Troubleshoot Wi-Fi networks with a USB device the size of a flash drive.

Troubleshoot Wi-Fi networks with a USB device the size of a flash drive.

By DE Editors

MetaGeek(Boise, ID) says it has created the world’s smallest 2.4 GHz SpectrumAnalyzer: The Wi-Spy. The device is designed to be a resource fortroubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and sells for about 40 times less thantraditional spectrum analyzers, says MetaGeek.

According to a press release, wireless device performance is commonlyinhibited by signals from other wireless networks, cordless phones, andsimilar devices. Even a microwave can interfere with the best wirelessequipment, significantly reducing productivity. To combat theoccurrence, many companies use a spectrum analyzer to track and recorddifferent wave frequencies possibly interfering with a wirelessnetwork. MetaGeek says Wi-Spy is a affordable spectrum analyzer thatcan visually display many wave types and is capable of storingreal-time data for later reference, making it the perfect tool foranyone troubleshooting wireless networks or optimizing WLAN signalstrengths.

Price: $99. Wi-Spy is a USB key device comparable in size to a small flash drive.

For more information, visit

Sources: Press materials received from the company.

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