Mathsoft and NI Provide Advanced Joint Calculation and Measurement Solutions

Mathcad-LabView integration offers graphical configuration of customized blended applications.

Mathcad-LabView integration offers graphical configuration of customized blended applications.

By DE Editors

Mathsoft (Cambridge, MA) launched the integration of Mathcad with the National Instruments(Austin, TX) LabVIEW graphical development environment last week duringNIWeek. It provides advanced joint calculation and measurementsolutions. The integration creates an end-to-end design, measurement,analysis, and reporting environment to help engineers more efficiently,accurately, and intelligently execute their product development work.

Engineers can use Mathcad calculation software to trigger data captureand measurement in LabVIEW, which can then automatically export valuesback to Mathcad for further calculation, processing, or reporting. Theintegrated products make it easy to test lab data against mathematicalmodels. Users can share LabVIEW results with Mathcad using a drop downmenu in the LabVIEW user interface.

The integration builds on a strategic alliance that began in 2003. NILabVIEW is a graphical development environment for creating flexibleand scalable test, control, and design applications. It lets engineersand scientists interface with real-world signals, analyze data formeaningful information, and share results and applications. Mathcad isa design environment that enables engineers to simultaneously explore,calculate, and document all of their mathematical formulas andcalculations during the design phase of a product. Engineers cancombine formulas, text, and interactive graphics in a single worksheet.

“Many synergies exist in the processes of testing, measurement,control, analysis, and engineering calculation,” says Mathsoft Directorof Business Development Lisa-Jean Clifford. “Bringing them together ina combined solution makes work quicker, easier, and more accurate.”

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