Materialise’s Magics e-RP Software Bought by Rapid Quality Manufacturing, Inc.

First company worldwide to buy Magics e-RP software for project and process management.

First company worldwide to buy Magics e-RP software for project and process management.

By DE Editors

Announced by the U.S. office of Materialise NV (Ann Arbor, MI) was that Rapid Quality Manufacturing, Inc. (RQM) was the first customer worldwide of its Magics e-RP solution.

An advanced software solution for project and process management within additive fabrication set-ups, Magics e-RP solution enables users to streamline and automate the entire RP&M process, from order follow-up and data preparation, through platform scheduling and machine monitoring, to production planning and part tracking. The solution offers an essential step to move from RP to RM in a true production environment.
Magics e-RP is a new technology which needs some degree of customization for each individual company and needs integration into the company’s process. For information visit Materialise.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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